Hey Democrats! What’s sauce for the goose…

Is also sauce for the gander. In this case, calls for another special prosecutor to look into the Obama regime. Good day all. Since the Democrats managed to scam a special prosecutor to harass President Trump over nothing, there have been people asking about the actions of the Obama regime’s people.

Now the Republicans in Congress are starting to ask for a special prosecutor to start looking into things like why Felonia von Pantsuit was given a pass after shattering multiple laws, the unmasking of Americans accidentally caught up in NSA surveillance and the apparent spying on the Trump transition team. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Nearly two-dozen Republicans are calling on the Trump Justice Department to appoint a second special counsel to investigate the raft of 2016 campaign controversies involving Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration, warning these questions cannot “be allowed to die on the vine” amid the Russia probe firestorm.

Since Donald Trump took office, despite the attempts by the Democrats, more and more information is coming out on just how badly the laws and civil rights of Americans were trashed by Obama and his minions. When Felonia was given a pass by the now provably corrupt James Comey, especially after laying out her crimes in a press conference, many thought that Obama and the Democrats intended to rig the election.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., and GOP committee colleagues made the request in a letter Thursday to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

The American public has a right to know the facts – all of them – surrounding the election and its aftermath,” they wrote. “We urge you to appoint a second special counsel to ensure these troubling, unanswered questions are not relegated to the dustbin of history.”

Sessions might actually do something. I don’t trust Rosenstein as far as I can throw him. He should have pulled the plug on Mueller weeks ago when it came out that Comey leaked his memos for the purposes of getting a special prosecutor appointed. Then there are all the people Mueller has been hiring, and finally the massive conflict of interest Mueller has because of his friendship with Comey.

The lawmakers want an entirely separate special counsel probe from the one Robert Mueller is leading into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and possible coordination with Trump associates.

There are many reasons why they would want a separate investigative team.

The crux of their argument is that numerous unanswered questions remain from the 2016 campaign cycle that have been pushed aside amid the intense Russia focus.

That’s one reason. The other is Mueller might end up getting fired and investigated for wrong doing himself. He’s already starting to go on a fishing expedition beyond his mandate. The letter sent to Sessions lists 14 reasons why a special prosecutor should be appointed to look into the crimes of the Obama regime.

Allegations that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch instructed then-FBI Director James Comey to downplay the nature of the Clinton email probe

  • The FBI and DOJ’s decisions in the course of the email probe, including controversial immunity deals with Clinton aide Cheryl Mills and others
  • The State Department’s involvement in deciding which Clinton emails to make public
  • Disclosures in WikiLeaks-released emails regarding the Clinton Foundation and, according to the letter, “its potentially unlawful international dealings”
  • Connections between Clinton officials and “foreign entities” including Russia and Ukraine
  • Revelations in hacked Democratic National Committee emails about “inappropriate” coordination between the DNC and Clinton campaign against Bernie Sanders’ Democratic primary campaign
  • The “unmasking” of Americans in intelligence documents and potentially related leaks of classified information
  • Comey’s admitted leak of details of his conversations with President Trump
  • The FBI’s “reliance” on controversial firm Fusion GPS, which was involved in the questionable anti-Trump “dossier”

As I see it, there is a heck of a lot more “There” there than the so called “Russian Collusion” crap. The media, and Congress of been trying to find something, literally anything to “Get” President Trump. As we’ve seen, everything they’ve announced as “The Smoking Gun!!!” has actually been a complete misfire.

The push comes as Sessions comes under tremendous pressure from Trump to revisit 2016 controversies concerning Clinton and Democratic officials.

And the reason for this is simple. Sessions stupidly recused himself from anything to do with this phony investigation and didn’t tell President Trump about it until it was to late. This is one reason President Trump is a might peeved at Jeff Sessions, and one of the reasons so many rumors are floating around about Session getting fired. As for the Democrats? Well, they’re doing what they do so well. Protect their own no matter how corrupt they may be.

Democrats have blasted the periodic GOP efforts to bring back these 2016 controversies, and maintain that Russia’s interference in the campaign is a more pressing matter.

House Intelligence Committee Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, of California, defended the importance of the current special counsel investigation.

“There is no doubt that Mueller has the authority to investigate anything that arises from his investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, including financial links, and this is spelled out in the order from the Deputy Attorney General and the law that governs the powers of the Special Counsel,” he said in a statement, while also urging Trump to “rule out categorically” the prospect of using pardons to undermine that probe.

Schiff is a typical Democrat, utterly corrupt and a total liar. He knows perfectly well that there was no collusion by the Trump campaign, which is more than can be said about the Obama regime. We have Felonia von Pantsuit’s handing over 20 percent of America’s uranium mines to the Russians after the Clinton Foundation received a major “Donation,” and Bubba Horndog getting a major paycheck for delivering a speech. And we have Obama telling the Russians that after the election in 2012, he will have more flexibility.


House Judiciary Republicans voted earlier this week to call an investigation into Comey’s handling of the Clinton email probe.

One of those lawmakers, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., told “Fox & Friends” on Friday, (July 28), that there seems to be a “double standard in justice.”

I don’t think that the crimes of the prior administration, of Hillary Clinton, the collusion with James Comey and Loretta Lynch should be forgotten just because Hillary Clinton lost the election,” he said.

That certainly is what the Democrats would like. If an honest investigation, (Ok, you can stop laughing now), were to occur, considering what we now know, pretty much everyone in the Obama regime, with the possible exception of Joe Biden, is looking at felony charges. (There has been some debates on forums regarding indicting a former president for his action in office, so King Putt might skate)

Worse, those investigations might just lead to certain members of Congress and their activities. The absolute last thing they want is anyone looking into what was happening in 2015 and 2016. Personally, I think people like Elijah Cummings, Felonia von Pantsuit, Susan Rice, Samantha Power and many others would look very good in orange.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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