Felonia writes book on why she lost

Good day all. This story has been floating around for a while. Felonia von Pantsuit, aka Hillary Clinton, has “written” a book on what caused her loss last November.

The book, titled “What Happened” is not one that I intend to read. It’s scheduled to be published September 12, 2017, and no doubt will end up on the remainders table a few weeks later. According to The Hill, Felonia doesn’t bother with a careful, detailed look into how she blew yet another election. Instead, she remains true to type and blames everyone else. Here is what The Hill has to say:

Hillary Clinton’s upcoming book will double down on Russia’s interference and James Comey’s involvement in her stunning election defeat, according to sources familiar with the memoir.

Privately, Clinton has told friends and longtime associates that she “wants the whole story out there” as she rushes to tweak and put the finishing touches on the book due out in September.

She really believes that’s why she lost, and she wants to explain why in no uncertain terms,” one longtime ally said. “She wants the whole story out there from her own perspective. I think a lot of people are going to be really surprised by how much she reveals.”

This book is supposed to be going into the Non-Fiction section. If the book stores were honest, they would put this book in the fiction section.

The ally said the book of personal essays will be a “bombshell.”

The only way this book could have any “Bombshells” would be Felonia admitting to all the criminal activities she engaged in. With regards to her Email, we can start with multiple violations of the Espionage Act. Then we can add bribery for her actions as secretary of state. (Giving the Russians 20% of America’s Uranium mines for “Donations” to the Clinton Slush Fund Foundation) Then she could slide into how she lied about what happened in Libya. Now that would make a best seller.

The memoir’s focus on how Russia and Comey, the former FBI director fired earlier this year by President Trump, cost Clinton the White House would run counter to recent messaging from Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and other Democrats about the party’s disappointing 2016 results.

When you lose to somebody who has 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things — Comey, Russia — you blame yourself,” Schumer told The Washington Post earlier this week. “So what did we do wrong? People didn’t know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that.”

Senator UpChuck Schumer still doesn’t get it. The voters knew exactly what the Democrats stand for. Your candidate, Felonia von Pantsuit was very good at telling people about the Proglodyte Policies they wanted to push. Destroying entire industries, throwing open the borders, suppression of the Constitutional rights of anyone who didn’t toe the Proglodyte line. Basically, the Democrats wanted to turn America into a failed state.

Schumer, who on Monday unveiled the congressional Democrats’ new message of “A Better Deal,” has been in the middle of discussions on how the party should rebuild and rebrand itself. It is a message with an implicit criticism of Clinton.

I really should go into the Democrats latest dumb idea. The “Better Deal” is just another repacking of the same, tired ideas they’ve been pushing since the “New Deal” a century ago. But that’s a post for another day.

Other Democrats including former Vice President Joe Biden have also criticized Clinton’s message during the 2016 cycle.

What happened was that this was the first campaign that I can recall where my party did not talk about what it always stood for — and that was how to maintain a burgeoning middle class,” Biden said in March at the University of Pennsylvania, where he launched the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement.

You didn’t hear a single solitary sentence in the last campaign about that guy working on the assembly line making $60,000 a year and a wife making $32,000 as a hostess.”

Actually, the middle class did hear what the Democrats wanted. It was the utter and complete destruction of the middle class. However, Slow Joe Biden can be excused for not understanding that. He is a moron after all.

Biden took it a step further at a Las Vegas hedge fund conference in May, saying: “I never thought she was a great candidate. I thought I was a great candidate.”

Trump would have handed Biden his head. Slow Joe has been on the wrong side of everything for his entire political career. The best thing he did was not run, otherwise it would have been him that was crushed in humiliation, and not Felonia. Now, he can sit there in retirement and make stupid remarks and no one will pay any attention to him.

While the book will zero in on Russia and Comey — which Clinton has said are the two biggest contributing factors to her loss — it will also examine other factors she blames for a role in her defeat, including sexism and misogyny.

And here we go!

We need to pull it out and put it in the bright light,” the former secretary of State said last month at BookExpo, one of the nation’s largest gatherings of publishing executives.

I find one thing interesting. The lack of comments from Felonia’s publishers.

Cary Goldstein, who has been heading up the publicity for the book at Simon & Schuster, declined to comment for this story.

He’s having enough trouble putting lipstick on this pig. Meanwhile, Felonia is taking responsibility for why she lost…only not.

At a Recode tech conference in May, Clinton said, “I take responsibility for every decision I make — but that’s not why I lost” — a sentiment she has also told allies.

She believes she would have won and that Russia and Comey ultimately brought her down,” one longtime adviser said. “She feels validated by all the news circulating out there about Russia.”

Here is another reason I’m glad that Felonia von Pantsuit didn’t win. The level of delusion she suffers under makes her judgment on anything very suspect. Like most of the Democrat Proglodytes, she refuses to see that there was no “Collusion” between the Trump campaign and the Russians. That was something dreamed up by her campaign after her crushing defeat. However, there is plenty of evidence coming out on her campaign’s apparent collusion with several foreign governments, such as the Ukraine.

Earlier this year, she launched a PAC, Onward Together, with the intention of helping congressional Democratic candidates in 2018.

Help them what? Lose even more seats than are expected?

She wants to make sure the resources coming in to Onward Together have maximum impact,” said one source familiar with the process. “She’s playing the long game.”

I think Felonia should be more concerned about possible criminal charges. The whole “Russian Collusion” thing has pretty much fallen apart, and now the GOP(e) has a few members starting to ask some very pointed questions on possible illegal actions by the Obama Regime and Felonia’s email antics.

All this book will do is prove to most people that we dodged a major bullet when President Trump won. He, unlike Felonia, the Proglodyte Democrats and the Establishment Republicans, is actually working to keep his promises and Make America Great Again. Felonia, if she had won, probably would have done something that finally pushed America over the edge and started a full blown shooting civil war.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Felonia writes book on why she lost

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    The ally said the book of personal essays will be a “bombshell.”

    This “ally” used way too many letters in that last word.


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