Shock! Health insurers seeking big increases!

And in other news, water is wet, the sky is blue and politicians are crooks. Good day all. In a shocking, (To no one but Proglodytes), health insurance companies are seeking massive rate increases again.

These are all for the “Cheap Obamacare” plans, which aren’t cheap at all and really aren’t insurance plans. Here are the details from Fox News:

Top health insurance companies in numerous states are looking to hike premiums by double-digits – some by roughly 30 percent or more – for ObamaCare plans in 2018, according to newly released figures that could light a fire under stalled efforts on Capitol Hill to fix the program.

Yeah, that isn’t going to happen. The Democrats refuse to admit they were wrong, and the Republicans are cowards, liars and just plain stupid.

The Wall Street Journal reported that major insurers in Idaho, West Virginia, South Carolina, Iowa and Wyoming are pitching premium hikes averaging 30 percent or higher. Other states also could see double-digit hikes, including New Mexico, Tennessee and Texas – while elsewhere, insurers are eyeing smaller increases.

Now correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t one of the promises by that lying piece of manure, Barack Obama, that we would see our insurance costs drop by $2500 a year? Yeah, I’m still waiting for that one.

The requests are preliminary and could change before insurers strike 2018 agreements with federal officials in the fall. But they underscore concerns about Affordable Care Act plans becoming increasingly unaffordable, as Republicans struggle to come up with an ObamaCare replacement bill that can pass Congress.

The Affordable Care Act, or as it is more commonly known, Obamacare is in the process of collapsing. President Trump tried to get the Republicans in Congress to actually keep their promises, as he’s been trying to, and yet, they seem to be frightened that they might offend a Progressive Democrat somewhere.

Their latest legislation – the so-called “skinny repeal” – failed by a single vote in the Senate last week, leaving lawmakers split over whether to “move on” and tackle issues like tax reform or regroup and try again.

And we can think that worthless lying scumbag, John McDiaperStain for that one. He was ably assisted by fake Republican Lisa Murkowski, from Alaska and Proglodyte wannabe Susan Collins from Maine.

Interestingly, in a fight over keeping President Trump from doing any recess appointments, (Mostly to protect Jeff Sessions), Murkowski is staying in Washington. I suspect, since the rates in Alaska are skyrocketing and she refused to do her job, she’s a might concerned that she could find herself staked out as grizzly bear bait somewhere.

However, while the premium hikes could energize GOP efforts to upend the Affordable Care Act, they also could fuel Democrats’ criticism over how Republicans are handling to repeal/replace debate.

Yeah, that won’t work. They’re already trying to do that and finding out that they’re still being blamed for this disaster. The GOP(e) didn’t do anything, so guess what? The Democrats plan is still in effect, wrecking the lives of Americans everywhere.

The Journal reported that insurers are concerned about Trump’s threat to halt payments to the industry that in turn help bring down costs, as well as whether Republicans will continue to enforce the individual mandate to buy insurance.

I’d forgotten about that one. One of the things The Great Mistake did, was send taxpayer funds from the treasury to the insurance companies to keep them from pulling out sooner then they already have. The problem here is, those payments were not authorized by congress and were illegal in the first place. President Pen and Phone, as usual, just decided to ignore that pesky little thing like the Constitution and usurp Congress’s power of the purse.

Since this was done by Der Fubar’s usual way, Executive Order, President Trump is now threatening to revoke this. (Which he should since it weas illegal in the first place) Here are some of the details on that, also from Fox News:

President Trump on Saturday, (Kuly 29th 2017), threatened to end health care “bailouts” for insurers and lawmakers in Washington as he continues to push Congress to pass legislation repealing ObamaCare.

If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!” Trump tweeted Saturday afternoon.

Trump appears to be talking about cost-sharing subsidies for insurers. Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, recently told insurers such subsidies could end.

We are looking at the cost-sharing payments on a month-to-month basis. We made them today. We’ll make them tomorrow,” Mulvaney said, according to the Independent Journal Review. “But I don’t think we’ll see a long-term commitment from this administration.”

And since these payments are illegal in the first place, President Trump should have killed them day one. But, he has been busy. Still, better late then never I say!

Some conservatives have also been pushing the White House to end subsidies to lawmakers and their employees made possible by an Office of Personnel Management exemption.

It’s also troubling that the Trump administration used executive powers to bail out insurers but will not use his lawful executive power to end Obama’s order exempting members of Congress from paying the full Obamacare freight,” Daniel Horowitz recently wrote at

I think what President Trump is doing is trying some good old fashioned Swamp style politics. Blackmail. If he doesn’t get what he wants though, he should pull the plug. Since President Trump has a history of doing what he says he will do, the Congress should be shaking in their Birkenstock’s.

Now, if the rate increases do occur, I suspect it will be before the 2018 election. I know the Democrats will try to use this to their advantage, but they can be easily crushed by saying “Hey, you’re the ones who created this mess. Yeah, we tried to clean it up, but you morons refuse to admit you screwed up”.

As for the GOP(e) RINO’s, I suspect an awful lot of them are going to see primary challenges. With a bit of luck, the gutless wonders will be shown the door and a new wave of people who, like President Trump, mean what they say, will come in and really get to work draining the D.C. swamp.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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