Maxine Waters next Speaker of the House!

Good day all. If you are tired of Nancy Pelosi being both House Minority leader and potentially Speaker of the House of Representatives, how about Maxine Waters as her replacement?

Ok, you can stop laughing now. At least one delusional Democrat thinks she would be terrific as the next Speaker. Here are the hilarious details from Fox News:

Democrats have “no reason” to try to make bipartisan legislative deals with President Trump and should instead wait until next year when outspoken Democrat Maxine Waters leads the House and Chuck Schumer leads the Senate, Democratic activist Robert Patillo said Saturday.

Democrats looking at a president hovering around a 30 percent approval rating have no reason to run into a burning building and try to put it out, when they should instead just wait for 2018 when they have Speaker of the House Maxine Waters and Senate leader Chuck Schumer,” Patillo, an attorney, civil rights activist and Atlanta radio host, told Fox News’ “America’s News Headquarters.”

Oh please stop! My sides are hurting from laughing so hard! Maxine Waters? As Speaker? That relic is one of the stupidest members of congress, and the only people stupider then she is, are the retards who keep reelecting her.

Waters, a California congresswoman, has been one of Trump’s most outspoken Democratic critics, with her calls to impeach him creating buzz about a possible 2020 presidential bid.

Maxine Waters is, as I’ve said, stupid. She is also a flat out racist, and from what I’ve heard, one of the more vicious members of Congress, prone to attacking her own staffers. She has even less chance of winning the Democrat nomination than Comrade Bernie Sanders and his crooked wife did in 2016. But then, being a Progressive Liberal Democrat, or Proglodyte, is a known mental disorder. One of the symptoms is an outright delusional behavior and beliefs, such as:

Patillo’s comment presumes Democrats next year would retake control of the House and Senate and that Waters would unseat now-House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, of California, who has been the chamber’s top Democrat for roughly the past 11 years.

Yeah, that isn’t going to happen. While I do see the current crop of RINO’s from the GOP(e) side of the Uniparty getting hammered in their primaries, the Democrat’s calls for a socialist totalitarian state isn’t going to play well in Peoria. But please, continue entertaining us with your moonbattery.

Democrats next year would have to win a net total of about 35 House seats.

From what I’ve been seeing, unless something major occurs, the Democrats might actually lose more seats in the House. As for the Senate?

Republicans how hold a 52-48 majority in the Senate, but Democrats next year must defend 25 seats, compared to just eight for Republicans.

And an awful lot of those seats are in states that went for President Trump, and have moved more into the Red side. If President Trump manages to get the economy going full bore, despite the Uniparty’s desire to hand everything over to the United Nations, Globalists and the European Union, the Democrat Party is going to lose again. Even now, instead of moving back towards the center, they are racing even further to the left. Keep it up Dems.

Your calls to end the Constitutional rights of anyone you disagree with just means more people not voting for you. So please, do push that old senile fossil, Maxine Moron Waters as the next Democrat leader. We can all use the laugh.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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