Racist Maxine Waters might form all black party

Good day all. Well, it seems that Representative Maxine Waters has decided to go full “Klan with a Tan” and is considering forming an all black political party.

Maxine the Moron, who is well known to be a few fries short of a happy meal on the best of days, is also showing that she is a flat out racist as well. She isn’t ruling out forming an all black political party. Here are the details of her latest stupid idea from The Daily Caller:

California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters wouldn’t rule out the concept of an all-black political party when asked about it on Monday. Waters joined “The Breakfast Club” radio show on Monday morning and was asked if it was time for black people to form their own political party.

And Maxine is starting up the Shark Jumping ramp! Will she clear it? Will she stop before she reaches the point of no return?

No, not at this point,” Waters said. “You have to show that you’re willing and you’re able to put the numbers together and exercise your influence.”

We still are not voting our influence yet,” she continued. “What we should do is organize our power, exercise our power, particularly in the Democratic Party because that’s where most of us are.”

So, she pulled up short. Instead she wants all Americans of recent African decent to stay on the Democrats plantation and continue to be good little house *******.  I’m sure Dr. King would be really supportive of you Maxie. Actually, I think he would look at you with utter and complete contempt.

Waters then suggested that when black people are “strong enough” they may branch out into their own party.

And Mad Maxine has taken the plunge!

After black people fully participate in politics, she said, “then you can raise that kind of question–whether we are strong enough to talk about organizing another party.”

Dirt, meet someone dumber then you are.

Maxine the Moron is very challenged in so many ways. One of these ways is mathematics. The percentage of the population who are of recent African decent is about 15%. Of that, not all of them would have any interest in joining a fringe political party. At best, Mad Maxine might get 1-2% if she was lucky. The fact that she will have a political party built on racism will even further marginalize it.

We finally crushed the Ku Klux Klan, and now Maxine Waters wants to recreate it. She really should retire and spend more time talking to her house plants. She might actually learn something from them.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Racist Maxine Waters might form all black party

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    Eh, she would probably bore the plants to death.


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