Mitch McConnell would like some cheese with his whine

Good day all. As we know, President Trump has been working hard to Make America Great Again. He’s been doing a bang up job under the radar with regulations and other things he, as president can deal with without Congress.

This is good, considering what a pack of lying, good for nothing lazy incompetents the GOP(e) has turned out to be. Now we have that fossilized worm, Mitch McConnell, whining that President Trump is expecting to much from him. Here are the details from ABC News:

Speaking at a Rotary Club gathering in Kentucky on Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell vented about how President Donald Trump’s lack of political experience has led to him setting “excessive expectations” for legislative priorities.

McConnell, R-Ky., told the group in Florence that he found it “extremely irritating” that Congress has earned the reputation of not accomplishing anything.

Part of the reason I think that the storyline is that we haven’t done much is because, in part, the president and others have set these early timelines about things need to be done by a certain point,” said McConnell, a Republican and the state’s senior senator.

Would you like to know why you have earned that reputation? It’s very simple you moron. You had one thing to do and you flat out blew it. Obamacare should be gone right now, but you, along with that Eddie Munster wannabe in the House of Representatives, flat out couldn’t get it done.

Trump, a political newcomer, as McConnell noted, has a habit of declaring progress on major priorities that do not necessarily reflect the reality of lawmaking. For example, as the House was in the midst of negotiations about its Obamacare replacement bill in February, Trump announced that Congress was in the “final stages” of its bill and said it would be ready for “submitting” in March. While the House bill was unveiled in March, that chamber didn’t vote on it until May, and health care votes continued until the end of July.

Because they should have had a plan ready to go by January 30th at the latest. Instead, the House and Senate both showed themselves to be infested with worthless RINO’s who’s sole goal was to keep their worthless butts in their privileged spots. Instead we had that twerp, Paul Ryano push something out that was, for all intents and purposes, nothing more then a fix to keep Obamacare. McConnell couldn’t even control the three stooges who screwed over their constituents by voting to keep this disaster. (McCain, Collins and Murkowski)

That sort of disconnect has led to Trump’s expressing disappointment when bills — chief among them health care reform — fail to end up on his desk, even though, as with health care, the political reality indicated all along how difficult it was going to be to pass legislation.

He has every right to be disappointed. Every American who helped put Trump in the White House and keep both the House and Senate in the Republican corner have every right to be disappointed. You, Mitch McConnell, have failed this this country. (Cue The Arrow showing his displeasure by puncturing McConnell with arrows)

Our new president, of course, has not been in this line of work before. And I think he had excessive expectations about how quickly things happen in the democratic process,” McConnell told the group. “So part of the reason I think people feel we’re underperforming is because too many artificial deadlines — unrelated to the reality of the complexity of legislating — may not have been fully understood.”

And therein lies the problem. You, McTurtle, have spent way to long in the Swamps of Washington D.C. You are the problem. You knew what was coming and instead of actually doing your job, which is representing the voters of YOUR state who voted for Donald Trump, you chose to continue ignoring them and listening to the Chamber of Commerce, the New York Slimes, The Washington ComPost and all the members of the Uniparty Elite.

He urged the audience to judge this Congress “when it finishes,” or after the 115th Congress, which convened on Jan. 3, 2017, completes its two-year session.

No. Why should we? I think we can guess that you will continue to be a Suttering Clusterf**k of a Miserable Failure McConnell.

For comparison, he noted that President Barack Obama did not sign his signature Affordable Care Act into law until March of 2010, more than a year after taking office.

And how did that work out for the Democrats? They spent a year working on the absolute worst legislation in recent American history and were crushed at the polls. You and the GOP(e) were handed the keys and told to get rid of that pile of drek. When Obama was still in office, you even managed to send some bills to repeal it to his desk, where he promptly vetoed it.

You knew you couldn’t override the veto, so you didn’t have to worry about actually producing anything. You fully expected Felonia von Pantsuit to win last November, and you could continue not doing your jobs. Like all the rest of the Uniparty Elite, you were stunned that Donald Trump won the election.

President Trump, like millions of Americans, expected you worthless scum to actually work. Instead, all you’ve done is try to undermine the Trump Administration at every turn. Well guess what slimeball. November 2018 is coming up, and before that the GOP(e) Primary season. I fully expect to see many members of the GOP(e) House and Senate getting Cantorized. Pity we’re stuck with you until 2022. Maybe we’ll get lucky and you will just drop dead like your pal and fellow RINO traveler, John McSlime will soon.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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