If you are white and grew up in a normal family, you’re a racist

Good day all. The news from the New York City terror attack is still developing, however, I have this bit of Proglodyte idiocy that needs to be reported. Did you know that if you are white and grew up in a nuclear family, you’re a racist?

That is the conclusion that Professor of of Sociology draws from her “research.” Here are the details of this blinding stupidity from Fox News:

A City University of New York sociology professor reportedly said in a tweetstorm last week that “the white-nuclear family” promotes racism, prompting a backlash on social media.

Jessie Daniels, described as an expert on “the Internet manifestations of racism” on her CUNY page, infuriated social media users after reportedly saying that white families promote racism by default.

The professor began her argument saying she learned that “the white-nuclear family is one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy,” adding that that families “reproducing white children” are “part of the problem” as they facilitate white supremacy in the country, Campus Reform reported.

Stump, meet Dumb as. Of course, Professor Daniels failed to learn the first role of holes and continued digging.

She reportedly tweeted: “I mean, if you’re a white person who says they’re engaged in dismantling white supremacy but … you’re forming a white family (and) reproducing white children that ‘you want the best for’ – how is that helping [and] not part of the problem?”

Would you care to guess what this barking moonbat’s solution is? I’ll give you three guesses, but you’ll only need one.

She reportedly ended her argument suggesting that “white people” should confront their racism and stop perpetuating inequality by leaving their homes for their children.

Until white people are ready to confront their own family’s racism (and) participation in systemic white supremacy, it’s not getting dismantled,” she wrote. “Beyond just calling out interpersonal racism, white people who want to be engaged in the work need to ask themselves about housing wealth.”

She added: “White people: do you own your home? When you die, where’s wealth in that house going? If it’s to your children, you’re reproducing (inequality).”

Needless to say, the “professor’s” reaction to the virtual nuclear blast from the Internet was typical of Proglodytes.

The professor locked her account in response to the criticism.

In doing a little research into “Professor” Daniels, I found some information on the CUNY, (City University of New York), web site. It appears this entry is basically a short autobiography written by “Professor” Daniels. I fully expect it to quickly get flushed down the internet memory hole as soon as it’s discovered. Long story short, Daniels has made a career of being nothing more than a useless twit. For instance:

Trained as a sociologist, my work about race, gender, sexuality and new media has appeared in the journals New Media & Society, Women’s Studies Quarterly, Theory in Action, American Journal of Public Health, and Health Promotion and Practice. In 2011, a paper I wrote about race, incarceration and masculinity won the Sarah Mazelis Paper of the Year Award given by the Society of Public Health Education. My most recent book, Cyber Racism (Rowman & Littlefield, 2009) is widely used in college classrooms.

It just goes down hill from there. Fox News tried to contact “Professor” Daniels, as well as CUNY without success. This isn’t surprising. What “Professor” Daniels has done is show what a racist SHE is. Her entire academic career has been based on her belief that people are not born equal. She is, like all Progressive Liberals, utterly incapable of seeing past the color of a person’s skin.

I have no use for people like this. They are morons. The only purpose for lighter or darker skin tone is how much solar radiation is absorbed by the body to generate vitamin D. Since people with dark skin evolved in areas with a lot of direct sunlight, their bodies developed darker skin which reflect the sun. People with lighter colored skin evolved in areas with low levels of sunlight, so their skin allows the body to absorb more solar radiation to generate the levels of Vitamin D that we need for good health.

I wonder if “Professor” Daniels is tenured? I certainly hope not. CUNY should can her racist ass ASAP. We don’t need people like her indoctrinating young skulls full of mush with her hateful, racist views.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to If you are white and grew up in a normal family, you’re a racist

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    If it hates itself so much it should help everyone and remove itself from the universe.


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