Felonia calls Uranium One “A distraction”

Good day all. Recently, people woke up to the fact that the Obama Administration had sold off 20 percent of the United States uranium mines to the Russians. From the information being buried as deeply as possible by the Mostly Stupid Media, there is an appearance that Felonia von Pantsuit may have been bribed to make this deal happen.

Needless to say, Felonia is not happy with any thought of an investigation. In an attempt to put an end to anyone looking into her actions, she’s opened fire on President Trump and the Justice Department. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Hillary Clinton on Wednesday slammed what she described as the “politicization of the Justice Department” after reports that the Trump administration was considering a special counsel to probe the Uranium One deal and alleged conflicts with the Clinton Foundation.

Politicization of the Justice Department? Is she kidding? Thanks to Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, the Justice Department is a disaster. The politicization she’s so worried about happened 9 years ago when Der Fubar came into office.

President Donald Trump has criticized the uranium deal and suggested that Clinton, who served as U.S. secretary of state in the Obama administration, may be implicated in wrongdoing. But in an interview with Mother Jones, Clinton claimed that the Uranium One story has been “debunked” a number of times and that the Trump administration was merely using the story as a distraction.

And if they send a signal that we’re going to be like some dictatorship, some authoritarian regimen where political opponents are going to be unfairly, fraudulently investigated — that rips at the fabric of the contract we have that we can trust our justice system,” she said.

Oh where to begin with the delusions of a paranoid megalomaniac? First, the investigation found plenty of wrong doing, and it looks like the criminal activities were covered up by the Holder Justice Department. Congress was never informed about what the Russians did. This, on top of what’s been coming out regarding former FBI director James Comey’s actions with regards to Felonia’s mail server scandal and the blatant whitewashing of all this all but demands a special investigator be appointed.

Trump and his supporters have accused Clinton of overseeing the sale of 20 percent of America’s uranium supply to Russia. They see her alleged role as a scandal, particularly amid charges the Trump campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential election.

Funny how the Democrats have been screaming that Trump “Colluded” with the Russians, and no evidence of this happening has been found, yet once people started digging into the allegations, they hit Felonia von Pantsuit instead.

Allegations have also been made that the approval of the sale of Uranium One benefited major donors to the Clinton Foundation, raising conflict-of-interest questions.

Meanwhile, Attorney General (For now), Sessions is investigating to see if investigations are warranted.

Fox News reported exclusively Tuesday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions directed senior federal prosecutors to evaluate “certain issues” requested by congressional Republicans, involving the sale of Uranium One and alleged unlawful dealings related to the Clinton Foundation, leaving the door open for an appointment of another special counsel.

Just one? How about 2-4? We have Uranium One, We have the Email scandal, we have the apparent cover-up of criminal activities by Felonia von Pantsuit by the likes of James Comey and Robert Mueller. There’s so much dirt here that you’re going to need a fleet of bulldozers to get through it all.

Felonia von Pantsuit is starting to get scared. When she gets scared, people tend to end up dead. She also starts yelling out her “At this point, what does it matter?” spiel. If there is an honest investigation into the Uranium One matter, and a review of both Felonia’s email server and how that was investigated, well, Felonia won’t be the only one spending his or her golden years in a federal penitentiary.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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