Al Franken, Sex Offender

Good day all. For the last week, there have been accusations thrown at Alabama senatorial candidate Judge Roy Moore. There has been no actual evidence produced, and not a few questions aimed at the accusers.

Now, we have someone who groped women AND we have photographic evidence! Who is this slimy scumbag? Well it isn’t Slow Joe Biden, who has been known to paw a teenage girl or two. No, this is the junior senator from Minnesota, Senator Al Franken. Here are the details and the evidence from KABC written by Leeann Tweeden:

In December of 2006, I embarked on my ninth USO Tour to entertain our troops, my eighth to the Middle East since the 9/11 attacks. My father served in Vietnam and my then-boyfriend (and now husband, Chris) is a pilot in the Air Force, so bringing a ‘little piece of home’ to service members stationed far away from their families was both my passion and my privilege.

Also on the trip were country music artists Darryl Worley, Mark Wills, Keni Thomas, and some cheerleaders from the Dallas Cowboys. The headliner was comedian and now-senator, Al Franken.

I question calling Franken a comedian. He is a clown, but I don’t mean that in the usual way. In any case, and to reduce verbiage, Franken had written some skits and one of them had Ms. Tweeden in it.

When I saw the script, Franken had written a moment when his character comes at me for a ‘kiss’. I suspected what he was after, but I figured I could turn my head at the last minute, or put my hand over his mouth, to get more laughs from the crowd.

And this is when that creepy clown began acting like the slimeball everyone knows he is.

On the day of the show Franken and I were alone backstage going over our lines one last time. He said to me, “We need to rehearse the kiss.” I laughed and ignored him. Then he said it again. I said something like, ‘Relax Al, this isn’t SNL…we don’t need to rehearse the kiss.’ He continued to insist, and I was beginning to get uncomfortable.

And Franken seems to have a problem with the word “No.”

He repeated that actors really need to rehearse everything and that we must practice the kiss. I said ‘OK’ so he would stop badgering me. We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth.

I immediately pushed him away with both of my hands against his chest and told him if he ever did that to me again I wouldn’t be so nice about it the next time.

You shouldn’t have been nice about it the first time. A knee to the groin and a nice palm strike to his chin would have worked wonders on his attitude towards you.

Other than our dialogue on stage, I never had a voluntary conversation with Al Franken again. I avoided him as much as possible and made sure I was never alone with him again for the rest of the tour.

You should have asked to borrow a grenade and dropped it in his shorts.

Franken repaid me with petty insults, including drawing devil horns on at least one of the headshots I was autographing for the troops. But he didn’t stop there.

And what did this scumbag do?

The tour wrapped and on Christmas Eve we began the 36-hour trip home to L.A. After 2 weeks of grueling travel and performing I was exhausted. When our C-17 cargo plane took off from Afghanistan I immediately fell asleep, even though I was still wearing my flak vest and Kevlar helmet. It wasn’t until I was back in the US and looking through the CD of photos we were given by the photographer that I saw this one:

Obviously Ms. Tweeden, once she saw the picture was upset. I’m not surprised that she didn’t feel anything, those vests are very thick and designed to stop fragments and bullets. This wasn’t Franken pantomiming a “feel”, he grabbed her right on the breast and smiled for the camera. Any woman who either experienced this or saw it would be offended. You don’t touch without permission and it was obvious that Ms. Tweeden was in no condition to grant permission.

Now, compare this with the allegations against Judge Moore. There is no evidence that he did anything improper towards the women making the accusations. I’ve read that some of the “evidence” appears to have been forged and Judge Moore’s lawyer is demanding access to it and an examination by a neutral handwriting expert.

Even with the lack of any real evidence against Judge Moore, within hours of the accusation being made, the Establishment RINO’s, led by Mitch McConnell, were demanding that Judge Moore drop out from the race. The real reason they want Moore out has nothing to do with allegations from 40 years ago and everything to do with maintaining the Washington Swamp. Judge Moore is no friend of Mitch “The Turtle” McCockless. The GOP(e) would rather hand the seat to the Democrats then actually do any investigation into the allegations.

Now what about Al Franken? Here we have actual proof of what a scumbag he is. Where are the demands for his resignation? Why hasn’t he been stripped of his committee seats? Where are the denunciations from the Democrats and the Republicans? That sound you hear is crickets chirping.

If this picture and story had come out when Franken was running the first time, he would have been crushed, well beyond the margin of cheating that let him get in. It’s time to start demanding that Franken resign his seat as unfit. We have the evidence. Now it’s time to force him out.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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