Al Franken, Totalitarian Idiot

Good day all. Senator Al Franken, (Dumbass – Minnesota), is a man who should not be in the United States Senate. The only reason he is, is that the his first election was stolen from the incumbent, and that wimp didn’t challenge the results. Now, Franken has penned a column where he wants to basically scrap the 1st Amendment, only he doesn’t say that.

Franken is upset that the Russians bought some ads on Facebook and believes if it hadn’t been for that, Felonia von Pantsuit would be the President of the United States. The column is in the Guardian and is based on remarks this fascist pig gave at the Open Markets Institute. His speech demonstrates why he should not be allowed out without a keeper. He begins with:

As lawmakers grapple with the revelations regarding Russia’s manipulation of social media during the 2016 election, many are shocked to learn the outsized role that the major tech companies play in so many aspects of our lives. Not only do they guide what we see, read, and buy on a regular basis, but their dominance – specifically in the market of information – now requires that we consider their role in the integrity of our democracy.

Uh huh. And would you care to guess what Fathead Franken has in mind?

Last week’s hearings demonstrated that these companies may not be up to the challenge that they’ve created for themselves. In some instances, it seems that they’ve failed to take commonsense precautions to prevent the spread of propaganda, misinformation, and hate speech.

And there’s the two favorite words of the Progressive Democrat. “Common Sense”, something usually lacking in all Progressives and most members of Congress.

The platforms that big tech has designed may now be so large and unruly that we can’t trust the companies to get it right when they do start paying attention. If you have five million advertisers a month using your highly sophisticated, nearly instantaneous ad platform, can you ever really know who all of them are? Can you ever catch all the signals that would seem obvious to a pair of human eyes – for example, political ads that are paid for in rubles?

I agree that the socialist media companies like Faceplant and Googlag do have an inordinate amount of power and they have demonstrated a willingness to abuse it to push their goals. What Fascist Franken fails to grasp, is that in general, they’re backing the Proglodytes like Franken.

And as has become alarmingly clear in recent months, these companies have unprecedented power to guide Americans’ access to information and potentially shape the future of journalism. It should go without saying that such power comes with great responsibility.

And as far as the Fascist Franken is concerned, these companies aren’t doing enough to filter things for the sheep people using their systems.

The information that these companies collect can also be a very dangerous weapon if it falls into the wrong hands. ProPublica recently revealed that up until two months ago, Facebook allowed advertisers using the company’s self-service ad-buying platform to target more than 2,000 people who expressed interest in the topic of quote “Jew hater” and other antisemitic themes.

Yes? So? Granted, I have no use for Anti-Semites, but if someone wants to sell them stuff, let them. Oh wait! You don’t like that idea, since you’re a socialist and anything that smacks of profit is to be stopped.

While these categories were apparently automatically generated by an algorithm based on users’ self-reported interests, it is Facebook’s responsibility to monitor such tools and ensure that it isn’t facilitating or – worse – making a profit on such hateful activity.

Why? As long as no one is being hurt, then feel free to part the fools from their money. Now if there were calls for violence or something like that, then I could see the company stepping in and shutting them down. Of course, that isn’t want the Fascist Franken wants.

Algorithms seem to be a convenient excuse. Facebook has cited its algorithms for creating hateful advertising categories and failing to catch a hostile foreign power using its platform to spread lies and sow discord. Google has previously said that its algorithms necessarily include websites dedicated to illegal activity in search results, such as pirate sites, even as in other instances it maintains that its results do reflect Google’s judgment.

Yeah, I can see the problem for you. Math is hard isn’t it? Since all you’ve ever done is pretend to be a comedian, and a really bad one at that, math was never anything you really worried about. Programming is not for the fools on the Hill. Companies like Google are always tweaking them out and sometimes things don’t work as planned. Since Google and Facebook are generally only looking at their balance sheets, it isn’t surprising that they didn’t notice a small advertiser come in and start selling the “Seig Heil” march to the morons.

And at the same time, Facebook, Google, and Amazon have used their algorithms to extract unfair terms and fees from those dependent on its platform, promote their own products and services above those of competing companies, and even manipulate the emotional state of its users

We need to talk about data in digital advertising and how it influences competition and encourages a disregard for Americans’ privacy. We need to better understand how past deals – Google’s purchases of DoubleClick and Waze or Facebook’s acquisitions of WhatsApp and Instagram, for example – have impacted consumers’ privacy and big tech’s ability to establish barriers to entry for emerging rivals.

And here it comes.

And finally, we desperately need to conduct vigorous oversight – in the form of investigations and hearings – to fully understand current practices and the potential for harm. We must work together to make this happen.

And you can just see what Franken and his ilk have in mind. While I do think that Goolag and Faceplant are to big for their britches, there are other companies coming along with the intent of crushing them like bugs. For instance, let’s take a look at DoubleClick. I run ad blockers and Doubleclick gets NOTHING from me. Oh wait, that’s a private sector answer to what some people see as a problem. There will be others coming along. What the Fascist Franken has in mind is a nice, big government agency that will tell Goolag, Faceplant and Twerper exactly how they will do things. This will include removing anything that people like the Fascist Franken doesn’t like. To that I say…


~The Angry Webmaster~

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