Senate Tax bill repeals Obamacare mandate

Good day all. It’s been a busy day for me so I haven’t been online much. However, I just saw this pop up on Drudge. The Senate’s version of the tax reform bill includes the repeal of the hated and, despite that Swamp dwelling scumbag Roberts, unconstitutional Obamacare mandate.

That mandate basically states that you will have health insurance or you will pay a fine, although Roberts the scumsucker called it a tax. Long story short, the mandate forced you to pay for the right to be an American citizen. With the bills to overhaul the tax code working their way through the hosue and senate, people have wondered if they would do something about the mandate. Well, wonder no more. Here are some of the details from CNBC:

The proposed Republican tax reform bill will include repeal of Obamacare’s individual mandate requiring most Americans to have some form of health insurance or pay a tax penalty, GOP leaders said Tuesday.

The decision means that Republicans, yet again in 2017, will attempt to gut a key element of the Affordable Care Act.

And, considering the stupefying incompetence of Senate Majority Leader and all around swamp dwelling member of the Uniparty, it will probably fail again.

So far, such efforts have failed because not enough Republican senators have backed the idea of repealing the mandate, which would lead to an estimated 13 million more people lacking health insurance.

Yeah, but they might be able to afford to eat and keep a roof over their heads. When I gave up my insurance, it was closing in on the same cost as my mortgage. I didn’t see the latest premiums, but I have no doubt they skyrocketed again.

“We’re optimistic that inserting individual mandate repeal would be helpful,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. on Tuesday afternoon after a lunch meeting with the Republican conference.

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said, “I’m pleased the Senate Finance Committee has accepted my proposal to repeal the Obamacare individual mandate in the tax legislation.”

“Repealing the mandate pays for more tax cuts for working families and protects them from being fined by the IRS for not being able to afford insurance that Obamacare made unaffordable in the first place,” Cotton said. I urge the House to include the mandate repeal in their tax legislation.

You can stop kissing the finance committee’s ass Senator Cotton. Of course, you know the Democrats aren’t about to let freedom ring for millions of Americans. First out of the gate was UpChuck Schumer.

The Democratic leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer of New York, was scornful of the Republican decision.

“Thelma and Louise are warming up the car,” Schumer said, referring to the eponymous movie that ends with two women driving their car off a very tall cliff to their deaths.

“They’re cutting taxes on the wealthy and taking health care from millions and raising premiums on millions of others all to reduce taxes on the rich,” said Schumer.

Schumer and the Democrats love to wave the “Bloody Shirt.” The only problem is, they are flat out lying through their teeth. Schumer and the rest of the proglodytes absolutely refuse to accept that Obamacare never worked and never could work. They loved the idea of the Individual mandate since it was a step in the direction of rendering the 13th Amendment moot.

Then, of course, we have Senior Swamp Creature, Senator John McSlime. As you would expect, that two timing slimy weasel is “Withholding judgment” on the idea of repealing the mandate.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., told reporters he wants to see the entire bill before he decided on whether to support repeal of the mandate. McCain’s opposition to prior Obamacare repeal bills this year had helped doom them to defeat.

McSlime should just announce his immediate retirement from the Senate due to his health issues. That brain dead dirtbag is suffering from brain cancer, although I don’t think there was much in the way of brains for the cancer to rot away.

But it could also make it more difficult for the tax bill to pass because of worries by some GOP members about big drops in the number of Americans with health insurance that would result from repeal of the mandate.

And to that I say to the RINO’s of the Uniparty…

House Republicans from those states are worried they will suffer in the 2018 congressional elections if they support repeal of the deductions. The House had explicitly rejected inclusion of a repeal of the deductions in its version of the bill pending in that chamber.

That’s because the house is filled with cowards and morons who deserve to lose their seats, starting with Paul Ryno.

Republicans had called for repealing the mandate in a series of Obamacare repeal-and-replace bills they proposed since the beginning of this year. All of those bills failed, in no small part because of concerns by several Republicans in the Senate that gains in insurance coverage for millions of Americans seen under Obamacare would be wiped out if the bills became law.

Those so called “Republicans” should just switch to the Democrat party, since that’s how they plan on voting anyway. They flat out do not care about how much damage Obamacare is doing to the average person. I expect any that are up for reelection in 2018 will be facing a primary challenge and hopefully, will get their clocks cleaned.

Democrats in Congress universally oppose repeal of the individual mandate. But they don’t have enough votes on their own to block its repeal if all of the Republicans voted for such a move.

Of course they oppose it. They also oppose anything that smacks of freedom, liberty, individualism and patriotism. As I mentioned before, the Democrats want to repeal the 13th Amendment. Why? They’ve been pissed that they had to give up their slaves in 1865 and have been working ever since to get them back. The only difference now is, they want EVERYONE under the progressive liberal Democrat yoke.

I fully expect the Republicans to fail again. That’s all they’re good at, failing. They just want to maintain their power and privilege, and the hell with what the people want or need. I hope they do manage to pull their collective thumbs out of their asses and ditch the mandate. If we see more Swamp dwelling RINO’s screwing us over again, then we need to remove them from office as soon as we can.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Senate Tax bill repeals Obamacare mandate

  1. BruceInVA says:

    Just asking, how does taking away the tax that forces them to buy insurance take away their insurance? That’s what Chuck U says. What’s he afraid of? That instead of 50 or 60% increases in premiums when the betting pool gets to polluted with uninsurables it’ll jump to 125% annual increases.
    In case anyone hadn’t noticed, most of those uninsured before Obozodon’tcare. were either illegals that could not be insured or those who chose to go without. Virtually all the rest were covered by Medicaid. But to remedy that Pelosi gave us a stool sample (you have to pass it to see what’s in it), thousands of pages of law and tens of thousands of pages of regulation, new agencies and tons of new bureaucrats.


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