Fried criminals to go please

Good day all. The stupidity of criminals never ceases to amuse me. Whether it’s getting stuck in a chimney or getting eaten by alligators, the ways the criminally stupid end their careers will always be entertaining, not to mention a savings for the taxpayers.

This time we have two criminal masterminds who thought it would be a great idea to strip the copper wiring from an electrical substation…while it was active. Here are the shocking developments from Fox News:

Police are investigating the apparent electrocution of two people early Friday at a Detroit Public Lighting Authority building, Fox 2 reported on Saturday. A worker reportedly told Fox 2 he found the bodies just after 6:30 a.m. when he went to the substation to investigate a power outage. The pair are suspected of breaking in the front door of the substation, and, according to Fox 2, they were in the process of stealing copper wiring when they were electrocuted.

Police confirmed to the news organization that two men pried open the front door of a Public Lighting substation, and once inside made contact with 24,000 volts of electricity.

According to the police, the electricity caused their bodies to be fused together, and they were pronounced dead at the scene.

Somehow, I doubt it took the medical examiner very long to pronounce these morons dead. I also don’t think it will take the ME all that long to determine the cause of death. The only problems I can see for the ME is sawing these two crispy critters apart and identifying them for the next of kin. I fully expect the families to try and sue the utility for wrongful death. I won’t be shocked if they’re laughed out of court, if it gets that far. Once again, we see two more people who skipped school on the day they would have been taught, “Stupidity kills the stupid.”


~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Fried criminals to go please

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    Wow, a rare, coveted, Double Darwin Award.
    I hope these rocket surgeons haven’t managed to reproduce.

  2. BruceInVA says:

    Life is tough. It’s even tougher if you’re stupid. One hopes that stupidity has serious consequences, including removal from the gene pool.


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