The Browards of the County

Good day all. I’ve been holding off on writing about the recent horror in Broward County, Florida, primarily due to the constant new information that’s been coming out on the complete failure of law enforcement at all levels.

We have since learned that multiple calls to the FBI and county law enforcement were ignored. There is also information, yet to be verified, that Broward County had run ins with the scumbag and rather then dealing with it, actually covered up criminal activities that would normally have prevented the criminal from getting a gun in the first place.

Of course, the Progressive Democrats, along with their propaganda arm, the Main Stream Media, have started their usual calls for banning and confiscation of “Assault weapons”, (defined as any firearm in private hands). They are also using children to push their agenda of totalitarianism.

What they are not doing is looking into why the Federal Bureau of Investigation, on receiving credible information on a potential threat, did nothing. Of course, we know the reason. They are to busy trying to “Get Trump!” and can’t be bothered to spend time and resources on doing their actual jobs.

The true disgrace in this mess, other then the criminal, is Broward County Sheriff, Scott Israel. It was his deputies that refused to enter the building to stop the criminal. They literally hid as that psycho murdered 17 people. The brave ones were a couple of Junior ROTC members and at least one teacher who tried to save lives at the expense of their own. There has been discussions on how the JROTC students can receive some sort of military honors for their heroism. (The problem is, they weren’t sworn in as officers and apparently can’t be posthumously commissioned since they can’t take the oath)

Israel’s actions since have continued to bring nothing but discredit and disgrace on a department that is already a total disgrace. Apparently, there is a memo circulating inside the department directing employees to defend Scott Israel. This first came out on the Laura Ingraham show.

In an “Ingraham Angle” exclusive, Laura Ingraham aired a purported internal email from the Broward County Sheriff’s Office that directed employees to defend Sheriff Scott Israel. Ingraham said the email was given to her by a source and that its veracity was “confirmed” by a second source.

Granted, these are the usual “Anonymous sources”, however there are two of them. I suspect the only reason they didn’t come forward as named sources was due to the almost certain retaliation by Israel. As to the contents of the memo?

It urges all staff members to vigorously support Israel as he “find[s himself] up against a flurry of media allegations.”

“He stood with us, and now we must stand with him,” the email reads.

“The focus should be on getting to the bottom of what happened,” Ingraham said. “[It] shouldn’t be about saving [Israel’s] job.

There’s more to the Fox News story along with a video. You should watch it. It doesn’t paint a good picture of this utter and complete waste of oxygen. There needs to be a full investigation by the Department of Justice into the systemic failures to stop the criminal before he could get started. (Will someone please find Jeff Sessions and tell him to do is job?) Heads need to roll both in the FBI and Broward County. I’m of the opinon that the entire Broward County Sheriff’s department needs to be disbanded and all personnel, starting with that useless thumbsucking coward Scott Israel.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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