Who replaced the 9th Circuit with pod people?

Good day all. Something very strange is happening with the 9th Circuit court of appeals. They are actually upholding the 2nd amendment to the Constitution! Yes, I know, I almost fainted when I read that. It makes me wonder if they’ve been replaced with pod people.

The court has ruled in favor of the rights of gun owners twice in a week. This one dealt with concealed carry permits. Here are the shocking details from Fox News:

The liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals endorsed the right of individuals to carry firearms in public in a ruling Tuesday, striking down a lower court argument that the Constitution only protects that right at home.

Analyzing the text of the Second Amendment and reviewing the relevant history, including founding-era treatises and nineteenth century case law, the panel stated that it was unpersuaded by the county’s and the state’s argument that the Second Amendment only has force within the home,” the ruling states.

The case resulted from Hawaii resident George Young being denied twice in 2011 as he sought to carry a handgun. Two of the three judges — who were both appointed by Republican presidents — ruled against a lower court upholding the restriction.

Of course, one of the judges didn’t like having to enforce the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Judge Diarmuid O’Scannlain wrote in his opinion that “for better or for worse, the Second Amendment does protect a right to carry a firearm in public for self-defense.”

And then we have the obligatory Moonbat judge who can’t read plain English.

In his dissent, Judge Richard Clifton said states have “long allowed for extensive regulations of and limitations on the public carry of firearms,” the order said.

As you can see, it never crosses this idiots feeble mind that those regulations are, in fact, utterly unconstitutional in the first place. But, with judges like him, it’s the “State uber alles” and screw the rights of the people. As for the Attorney General of Hawaii? Yeah, he isn’t happy that now the sheep are allowed to protect themselves.

We are disappointed in the decision that would undermine Hawaii’s strong gun control law and our commitment to protect the public,” Hawaii Attorney General Russell Suzuki said in a statement. “But we note that Judge Clifton filed a well-reasoned dissent supporting the constitutionality of this law. We intend to consult with Hawai‘i County and work with them on further action.”

As I mentioned earlier, this is the second pro-Second Amendment case that the 9th Circuit has ruled on, to the shock of everyone.

It’s the second time this month that the three-judge panel issued a pro-Second Amendment decision, after backing a lower court’s decision last week to suspend California’s ban on the possession of large magazines.

Based in San Francisco, the Ninth Circuit has a reputation for being one of the nation’s most liberal courts. Critics have branded the court the “Nutty 9th” or the “9th Circus,” in part because many of its rulings have been overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. This includes an infamous 2002 ruling that the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional because of its use of the phrase “under God.”

And this is why so many people are shocked at this decision. Now this was a 3 judge panel, not the full court. Many people expect the State to ask for a full “en banc” hearing where all the judges hear the case. Since the moonbats still control that court, there is a fair chance that this will happen and that they will reverse the original decision. It’s also possible that they won’t take the case, sending this up to the Supreme court. With Gorsuch, and probably Kavanaugh hearing the case, and they being firm constitutionalists, we may finally be seeing the end of the totalitarian left trying to disarm the American People.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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