Revoking Obama minions security clearances

Good day all. Since before the election of President Trump, the intelligence and security services did everything they could to rig the election in favor of Felonia von Pantsuit, to the point of whitewashing her criminal actions.

Even with all that, along with the vote rigging and other shenanigans the CommuNazi pulls to win elections, Felonia still lost, and has been on a nonstop “Blame everyone else for her loss” tour. Still, the Deep State bureaucrats in Washington have been trying to overthrow President Trump. The Mueller inquisition is just one aspect of this.

Now we’re finding out just how badly corrupted the various agencies became under Obama, and people are beginning to ask a very important question. Why do people like James Clapper, who lied under oath to Congress, John Brennan, who pushed the fake Trump dossier, and others from the Obama regime, still have their top secret security clearances? It looks like President Trump may be thinking about changing that. Here are some of the details from The Washington Times:

President Trump threatened Monday to revoke security clearance from top Obama administration officials who have fanned the flames of Russian collusion conspiracy theories, a retaliation by the White House that legal scholars said would be unprecedented but not illegal.

On the president’s security clearance hit list are former CIA Director John O. Brennan, former Director of National Security James R. Clapper, former FBI Director James B. Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former National Security Adviser Susan E. Rice and National Security Agency Director Michael V. Hayden, said White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

They’ve politicized and in some cases actually monetized their public service security clearances,” she said. “Making baseless accusations of improper contact with Russia or being influenced by Russia against the president is extremely inappropriate.”

Every one of these people, have abused their authority and actively worked to subvert the 2016 presidential election. They have all lied repeatedly, in many cases while under oath. At the very least, their clearances should have been suspended the moment they left the government. I understand that McCabe’s clearances have been revoked.

Former intelligence officials typically keep their high-level security clearances after leaving government jobs and sometimes provide informal advice to current officials.

That really should change. If you leave a job that requires a clearance, then it should be suspended. It can be reactivated for specific needs and only for those needs.

These six officials publicly leveled accusations of criminal wrongdoing — including treason — against Mr. Trump in frequent TV news appearances.

Considering what some of these people have done, not only should they lose their clearances, they need to be indicted. Although the CommuNazi Propaganda Machine, (aka the Main Stream Media), refuses to cover the crimes of the previous administration, it’s becoming clear that these people are probably guilty of a laundry list of crimes. I can’t say that treason is one of them, since that is a defined crime in the Constitution, (Something these people hold in contempt), They have come close to it, especially Brennan and Clapper.

Sean M. Bigley, a lawyer specializing in security clearance cases, said the president was in uncharted territory but as commander in chief had carte blanche authority to revoke security clearances.

There is nothing legally that would preclude the president from taking that action,” he said.

Getting and holding a security clearance is a privilege, not a right. While I have never held one, I have applied to positions where I would have to go through the anal probe that they call a background investigation.

I’ve also met with a couple of investigators who were doing background checks on people I live near or who I know personally. Receiving a security clearance means that you have been shown as a person who can be trusted. These scum sucking bastards have shown that they can’t be trusted with anything.

What’s more, the only recourse to challenge a security clearance revocation is through an administrative appeal process that the president could deny, said Mr. Bigley.

The president’s opponents in Washington quickly accused him of politicizing security clearances. Mr. Clapper responded on CNN, “It’s kind of a sad commentary, where for political reasons, this is kind of a petty way of retribution, I suppose, for speaking out against the president.” He said all of the former officials have been speaking “out of genuine concerns about President Trump.”

No, what you are terrified of is that Trump will replace that useless fool, Sleepy Jeff Sessions with someone who will actually do the job of Attorney General and actually investigate the criminal activities of the Obama Regime. When that happens, the odds are that Clapper and the others, up to and including Felonia von Pantsuit, will be trading in their bespoke suits, and in Felonia’s case, the re-purposed white house drapes, for prison orange.

Others called it an attack on free speech. Rep. Adam B. Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence who has spearheaded accusations of Trump campaign collusion with Russia, said the president had set “a terrible new precedent.”

Speaking of people who can’t be trusted, Adam Schiffless is giving Senator Patrick “Leaky” Lahey a run for his money when it comes to leaking information to the media. He’s gotten so bad that Representative Trey Gowdy, when being interviewed about the phony Russian collusion charges remarked:

I have not seen one scintilla of evidence that this president colluded, conspired, confederated with Russia, and neither has anyone else, or you may rest assured Adam Schiff would have leaked it,” Gowdy said during an interview on “Fox News Sunday.”

Let’s start with this bovine droppings regarding suppression of free speech. Revoking the clearances of these walking diaper stains does not stop them from speaking what passes for their minds. What does happen is they lose some of their sources. All the low level leakers that have been providing information to these scumbags, possibly legitimately, would be prevented from doing so in the future. If they continued, the best they could hope for would be getting fired. At worst? They could be prosecuted, and so would those who they provided classified information to.

This hasn’t stopped the CommuNazis from goosestepping in lockstep in defense of their party’s spies. They quickly sent out the usual talking points and began their synchronized remarks.

This is what totalitarianism looks like,” tweeted Sen. Mazie K. Hirono, Hawaii Democrat.

An enemies list is ugly, undemocratic and un-American. Is there no length Trump will not go to stifle opposition? Wake up GOP,” Mr. Schiff tweeted.

This from one of the people that actively protected the Obama regime’s use of the IRS to suppress the Tea Party and other conservative groups? No, what we are seeing is just how panicked the CommuNazis are becoming. They are desperate to regain all the organs of power in Washington so that they may institute the totalitarian state that THEY want to run, as well as bury the evidence of their crimes.

What’s really worrying is, in their desire to overthrow the Trump Administration, they have unleashed groups that are pushing for violent actions against any that don’t support their views. A very few are beginning to understand, subconsciously, that they may have pushed things to far. The problem is, they can’t stop or they too will get eaten.

I hope President Trump not only revokes the clearances of these two legged vermin, I think he should put in place a policy that deals with security clearances for former government employees, and those who need them when working in the private sector who leave positions requiring them.

If you don’t need to have it, why have it in the first place? I know someone who’s had a clearance for years due to the work he’s done. Currently, he’s in a position where he doesn’t need one. He was recently notified that he had to come in for a review or he would lose the clearance. He decided he didn’t need it any longer and let the clearances expire. In my mind, that was the responsible thing to do.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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