Democrats still in love with Eugenics

Good day all. Over the last 18 months, we’ve seen the party formally known as Democrat pull off the camouflage and show their true colors. Those colors? Totalitarian, anti-American, racist and now, genocidal.


Back in the 1930’s, when the Nazi’s were “A thing”, they believed in the creation of the Master Race. To fulfill their idea, they went whole hog into a pseudo-science called “Eugenics.” Eugenics calls for the selective breeding of humans to develop superior traits. It also calls for the “Culling” of humans considered inferior. This led to the Nazis genocidal policies and the Holocaust.

There were a number of Americans who bought into this load of manure, starting with the Progressives favorite, Margaret Sanger. She was a big supporter of eugenics, excluding sending people to gas chambers. She also considered Americans of recent African decent to be inferior, and that they should be encouraged not to have children, leading to their “race” dying out naturally.

When the Nazis were crushed, and the results of their ideas reported, most people thought that these idiot ideas were a thing of the past. Apparently, not for the party formally known as Democrat. We have a a rich progressive CommuNazi running for congress who thinks anyone who has children should be punished with extreme levels of taxation. Here are the details from Fox News:

Scott Wallace, a liberal millionaire candidate running for Congress in Pennsylvania, has given millions of dollars to so-called population control groups. Such groups have advocated for taxing parents “to the hilt” for having more than two children, calling it “irresponsible breeding,” and said abortion is “a highly effective weapon” to combat overpopulation.

Wallace, grandson of a former vice president who’s running as a Democrat in Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District against Republican incumbent Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, has been in charge of the the Wallace Global Fund “for the last two decades” that gave out nearly $7 million to population control groups since 1997.

Zero Population Growth (ZPG) was among the organizations that received the money from the fund. According to public records, it received $420,000 between 1997 and 2003. The group, shortly after being founded in 1968, released a brochure advocating abortion to stabilize population growth and claimed that “no responsible family should have more than two children.” To deal with larger families, it also called for families to be “taxed to the hilt” for “irresponsible breeding.”

It also blamed the overpopulation on the “white middle-class” that “use up more than their share of resources and do more than their share of polluting” and urged them to “voluntarily limit their families to two children.”

So, the CommuNazis are running someone who wants to, basically, wipe out most of the Human race, leaving only the few chosen people, such as himself.

Paul Ehrlich, who co-founded the ZPG, once called abortion “a highly effective weapon in the armory of population control.” The goal of the organization, which changed its name to Population Connection in 2002, has remained the same since its inception, arguing that the world needs to contain population growth with particular emphasis on American families.

I looked up that piece of human debris known as Paul Ehrlich to see if he was still consuming our precious resources. Sadly, he is. You would think this anti-human nutcase would have led by example and offed himself long ago.

The organization’s political arm, Population Connection Action Fund, publicly endorsed Wallace for Congress, saying his support for their cause is “exactly the kind of dedication we need in Congress.”

Wallace’s fund also gave $20,000 in 2010 to the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE), a group that sees the economic growth as undesirable and instead supports an economy with “stable or mildly fluctuating levels” and a society where birth rates equal death rates

The organization openly supports zero population growth and its executive board member, Herman Daly, advocated issuing reproduction licenses, allowing women to have only two children, unless they buy the license for more children from other women. Daly called it the “best plan yet offered” to limit population growth.

It’s nice to see just how evil the supporters of Wallace are. Some of the things you don’t see listed is their idea that pregnant women who don’t have “licenses” should be forced to have abortions. This was something that was done, (And may still be happening), in China. As for the CommuNazi Central Committee? You would think they would want this hidden from public view. You would be mistaken.

The revelations of the foundation’s donations come as Wallace faces continuing criticism over past funding activities. The foundation reportedly donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to anti-Israel groups that support a boycott of the Jewish State.

Local Democratic groups in the state expressed deep concern about the donations, but have since endorsed Wallace after he renounced the donations made in the name of his family’s fund.

Yeah, right. If you believe that this thug has truly renounced his sick beliefs, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I think you might be interested in purchasing.

Fox News previously reported that Wallace was also a key financier of the Center for Constitutional Rights’ efforts to represent alleged terrorists in the Guantanamo Bay just after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

Just after 9/11 many were afraid of the work the Center was doing,” Vince Warren, executive director of the group, told Wallace’s alma mater’s Haverford Magazine in 2009, adding that funding the center’s work was difficult. “And yet H. Scott Wallace ’73 of the Wallace Global Fund, stepped up and helped.”

Islamic Terrorist hijacked airliner about to hit the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001

So, he also supports our enemies. Yep, he’s the perfect candidate for the Modern Democrat CommuNazi Party. This lunatic, along with others in the new Democrat Socialist wing of the CommuNazi party should frighten the average American and lawful resident alien. They hold the Constitution in utter contempt, despise the American tradition of Rugged Individualism and are, frankly, murderous in their plans for this country.

A lot of people talk about the possibility of a second American Civil War. If idiots like Wallace and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez somehow gain control of Washington, the odds of ACW 2 approach certainty. Of course, the CommuNazis think they would win, but they forget which side has most of the guns.

How about this? We don’t elect these idiots, and belittle them and their ideas back out to the fringes where they belong. I personally would prefer not to have another shooting civil war in this country, and the best way to avoid that is to learn from history and confront these genocidal thugs. As we’ve seen in the case of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, they can’t actually defend their ideas at all and come across as basically…stupid. Keep pushing them and make them spew even more of their extremist views and they will soon find themselves on the ash heap of history with other like minded totalitarian regimes. Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and the Soviet Union.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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