The intolerance of the ever so tolerant

Good day all. Once again, we have an example of just how tolerant the Progressive Liberal Democrats CommuNazis of Seattle are. In this example, two of the ever so caring and tolerant left assaulted a teenager who was wearing a Maga hat.

This particular incident occurred a few last week in Seattle, Washington, the Moonbat haven of the Pacific Northwest. Two of the ever so tolerant citizens denizens of the city were triggered by the teen as he stood there waiting to get coffee, (Or what passes for coffee), at a local Starbucks. Here are the details from Fox News:

A teenager in Seattle, Washington was harassed by a man and a woman on the street for wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat. In a YouTube video of the encounter, Ashton Hess told the man who allegedly spat on his hat, “That’s my property, dude. Come on.”

Well, there’s the first problem. The ever so tolerant progressives aren’t big fans of other people’s property.

The video then shows the man telling Hess to “get the f*** out [of] this city.”

Here is the video of the assault.

As you can see, Young Mr. Hess was just standing there minding his own business when this pair of ever so caring thugs took offense, and then committed an offense against Mr. Hess. Unfortunately for the walking crime against nature, he has been identified. Apparently, this moonbat is named Ethan Jackson and identifies as a “Non-binary”… something or other.

I don’t follow twitter all that much, but it seems that this walking piece of debris is getting lit up. He’s been doubling down on his stupid, and making threats. He’s been challenging conservatives to “Come fight the tranny” and it seems he’s a bit disappointed that no one has shown up to pound his face into the pavement.

I think I can explain why to this moronic moonbat. Conservatives generally have this thing called “A Job” that they have to go to every day. Second, unlike most moonbats, they respect the law and let’s be honest. Smashing your face into a brick wall would mean some serious legal issues. Finally, conservatives also know to keep their mouths shut when they are going to do something of dubious legality, such as ripping your spine out and beating you to death with it.

You see stupid, it’s not the people who would respond to you. It’s the ones who don’t respond and are keeping everything very quiet. You could be walking down the street, looking for your favorite dealer when someone comes up to you, a pleasant look on his or face, and they simply ask you for the time or directions, and ask if you are Ethan Jackson.

They will confirm you are “That” Ethan Jackson, and the next thing you know, if you are lucky, you will wake up in a hospital missing most of your teeth and with assorted broken bones. Unlike you on the left, the people on the right, when they finally decide to go all in, will be careful, do research, confirm the target and have a plan to avoid identification and capture.

Unlike you.

I wonder if Mr. Hess has pressed charges against you yet? We have assault and battery, and those are felony charges. With the video evidence of you and your accomplice, the two of you could end up spending a few years in the house of many doors, where you may get to meet Bubba and his 15 friends in the prison shower.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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