How did Comey become FBI Director again?

Good day all. As you know, James Comey is the disgraced former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Last year, President Trump fired his incompetent ass, and as information has come out, with plenty of justification.

This has led me to ask, how did he manage to become the head of the FBI? I ask this in all seriousness because Comey, aside from being about as honest as John Dillinger, doesn’t seem to be all that bright. He recently told America that the only way to save America, (And protect his crooked ass), was to vote out the Republicans. Then we had the surprise win from the ultra-moonbat wing of the CommuNazi party, one Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Considering how bad things would become of she and her idiot friends actually took power, Comey quickly began walking back his remarks. Here are the details from Fox News:

Former FBI Director James Comey waded back into the political fray on Twitter Sunday, warning Democrats not to “rush to the socialist left” in upcoming elections.

“Democrats, please, please don’t lose your minds,” Comey wrote. “This president and his Republican Party are counting on you to do exactly that. America’s great middle wants sensible, balanced, ethical leadership.”

You mean like yours, you crooked, lying piece of manure?

Last week, Comey urged voters to back Democrats in November’s midterm elections, tweeting that Republicans had proven “incapable of fulfilling the Founders’ design that ‘Ambition must … counteract ambition.'”

This translates into “I’m really getting worried that I will end up in a prison with most of the Obama administration. I really don’t look that good in orange.”

Comey’s latest tweet appeared to be a response to the rise of New York City congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old former bartender who defeated House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley in a primary last month.

Since then Ocasio-Cortez has emerged as a star of the so-called “democratic socialist” movement, having made several media appearances and campaigned with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in support of primary challengers. The Democratic Socialists of America has endorsed 42 candidates for office at the federal, state and local levels in 20 states –including Florida, Hawaii, Kansas and Michigan.

The “Democratic Socialists” are just brushed up communists. As for Ocasio-Coretz, she is showing what a stuttering incompetent moron she is. The Democrat party, more commonly known as the CommuNazi party, is in the process of splitting. You have the establishment types, such as the geriatrics in the house, (Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer), and the crooks in the senate led by Charles “UpChuck” Schumer. They unleashed something and now they can no longer control it.

The most ambitious Democrats in Washington have been reluctant to embrace the label, even as they embrace the policies defining modern-day democratic socialism: Medicare for all, a $15 minimum wage, free college tuition and the abolition of the federal department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, also known as ICE.

Also known as “Making America Venezuela Again.” Their policy “Ideas” won’t work, but they are so arrogant, they can’t see it. When challenged, they start stuttering and then fall back on their usual “Racist! Sexist!” crap.

Republicans, meanwhile, are encouraged by the rise of democratic socialism — for a far different reason. They have seized on what they view as a leftward lurch by Democrats they predict will alienate voters this fall and in the 2020 presidential race.

Of course. America, outside of a few CommuNazi strongholds like Chicago, New York, Harvard, etc. is not a socialist country. One of the reasons that Donald Trump won the presidency is the fact people have gotten tired of the march into totalitarian slavery. The Republican party is doing everything it can to help the CommuNazis dig themselves a deeper hole.

The Republican National Committee eagerly notes that Sanders’ plan to provide free government-sponsored health care for all Americans had no co-sponsors in 2013. Today, more than one-third of Senate Democrats and two-thirds of House Democrats have signed onto the proposal, which by one estimate could cost taxpayers as much as $32 trillion.

In case you are a mathematically challenged Progressive Moonbat, the current federal budget for everything is between $-5 trillion dollars. The economy of the United States can’t generate the revenue’s needed for this fiasco. Vermont and Kalifornistan both looked into single payer and quickly discovered that it can’t work.

Most support the push to abolish ICE, which enforces immigration laws and led the Trump administration’s recent push to separate immigrant families at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Error! It wasn’t the Trump administration’s policy, it was the law as written by the DEMOCRATS and signed by a president who is a DEMOCRAT. President Trump was simply doing his job and FOLLOWING THE LAW.

As for abolishing ICE? Surprising no one, other then the Communists, ICE is actually supported in their job. Now I might consider splitting them up. Immigration as one agency, and Customs as the other. They actually do two different things. However, the goal of the CommuNazis is to not enforce the laws and to throw open the borders. Allow me to say, not happening.

Embracing socialist policies like government-run health care, a guaranteed jobs program and open borders will only make Democrats more out of touch,” RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel said.

And this is why Comey, after making a complete ass of himself yet again, is trying to do a “Do over” and pull back his demands that America vote for the CommuNazis. I think the midterm elections are going to be very interesting and that the pollsters, (As well as Allahpundit and the other gas bags at Hot Fart), don’t have any clues at all on what the outcome will be. They, like Comey, been getting it dead wrong for so long, no one is paying any attention to them any longer.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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