CommuNazis again move to ban speech

Good day all. Once again the CommuNazis in congress are all set to rip the 1st Amendment to shreds. This time they want to ban what they think is “Fake election news.”

Since the election that brought the “Great Donald J. Trump” to office, (Now that should cause some progressive head popping), the left has been screaming about “Fake News!!!” and that it “must be banned and people punished!!” While we’re seeing just these sorts of laws being pushed through in places like Eurostan and the no longer Great Britain, in the United States we have this thing called the 1st Amendment. Of course, that means nothing to the Progressives in the CommuNazi Party. Here are some of the details from The Huffington Post:

Several congressional Democrats plan to introduce legislation Thursday that would make it a federal crime to knowingly and intentionally publish false information about elections. The legislation would criminalize knowingly spreading wrong information related to the time and place of elections as well as voter qualifications and registration status.

The bill would also make it illegal to knowingly claim an endorsement from someone within 60 days of a federal election. Anyone who spread such misinformation would be subject to up to five years in prison and a $100,000 fine.

And there goes the Constitution of the United States right into the trash. Now who are these constitutional geniuses who think this is a great idea?

The measure is being introduced by Democratic Sens. Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Ben Cardin (Md.), Doug Jones (Ala.) and Patrick Leahy (Vt.). Democratic Reps. A. Donald McEachin (Va.) and Jerry Nadler (N.Y.) plan to introduce companion legislation in the House.

Ahh yes, the usual suspects. So, what is their “reasoning” for suppressing the right of free speech? Long story short, they lost and are looking for anyone or anything they can blame.

While dirty tricks such as fliers telling people to vote on the wrong day have a long tradition in American politics, the legislation comes amid increased attention to the spread of misinformation amid Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Misinformation campaigns intended only to suppress the vote and disenfranchise Missourians are crimes that run counter to our democratic values, and the punishment for those actions should fit the crime,” McCaskill, who is running for re-election this year, said in a statement.

From what I’ve been reading, McCaskill is in a very tough race and has been on the wrong side of every issue to date. She backed Felonia von Pantsuit, (No surprise), and has been blasted for being dead wrong on the economy under President Trump. She is desperate to maintain her power and privileges, and isn’t about to let things like free speech stand in her way.

Justin Levitt, a former Justice Department official charged with enforcing voting rights, said in an interview there is no federal statute that clearly prohibiting acts like telling people to vote by text message or on a Wednesday for a Tuesday election. “That’s not currently illegal under most circumstances,” said Levitt, now a professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. “Most people say that it seems crazy that it’s not illegal to tell somebody they can vote on Wednesday when actually they can’t. And I agree with that.”

I did a quick search on Levitt and to no one’s surprise, he’s a barking moonbat. Here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia on his career:

Levitt served as the National Voter Protection Counsel in 2008. He began teaching at Loyola Law School in 2010, where he originally focused on electoral redistricting and administration. While there, he directed the school’s Practitioner Moot Program, which allowed new attorneys to practice their arguments. He has also served as a law clerk to Stephen Reinhardt, a judge from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, as well as on advisory committee for the voting system InkaVote. On September 10, 2015, Loyola Law School announced that Levitt would go on leave from their school to join the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division as their Deputy Assistant Attorney General. He is expected to return to Loyola in early 2017. After he had been appointed to this position, he said that the Department of Justice is hampered by the Supreme Court’s 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision, and that this decision is unquestionably “the biggest change since the last presidential election.”

Barking Moonbat

Basically, this bozo is a statist and one of those “Lawyers” who think the constitution only applies to people who agree with his views. He was also part of the Obama Department of Justice. The Civil Rights division, where he worked, was well known for acting like the Gestapo to further the agenda of Obama and the CommuNazi Party.

There are federal laws against depriving people of civil rights, he said, but “there aren’t good, tailored targeted provisions that deal with one-off lies that cause people to not be able to exercise their right to vote.”

So, this totalitarian scumbag would send someone to prison for 5 years for saying “Republicans vote on Tuesday and Democrats vote on Wednesday”? That joke has been around for decades. The whole idea of politics is that it’s a blood sport. The goal is to win. If you can convince your opponent’s to stay home, that’s to bad.

A GOP mayor in Georgia posted a message telling Republicans to vote on Tuesday and Democrats to vote on Wednesday, the day after Election Day.

As I said, that’s an old joke going back decades. Anyone stupid enough to believe that really is to stupid to vote.

The measure would instruct the attorney general to take steps to communicate with the public to correct reported election-related misinformation and would require the attorney general after each federal election to submit a report to Congress on all allegations of deceptive practices received before that Election Day. The report would detail the race, ethnicity and language of any group targeted by a deceptive message.

And here we have yet another instance of the CommuNazis love of Identity Politics and skin color. It’s also a complete waste of money. Of course, since it isn’t the CommuNazis money, they have no problem wasting it at all.

While the Supreme Court has afforded significant protections to political speech, Levitt said, that does not preclude such a law, “as long as it’s really focused on logistical falsity rather than disputed campaign positions.”

The 1st Amendment protects freedom of speech, and that includes, to some extent, lying. You can’t lie under oath of course. However, what the CommuNazis intend to do is use such a statute to punish anyone who goes against them. Such a law, if it ever came into being, would force you to prove what you said was true.

There is another thing that these Moonbats seem to have forgotten. This very same law would probably be used against the CommuNazi Party far more then the Republican party. Right off the bat, Felonia von pantsuit and her crew of criminals would be charged under this law. The evidence? That fake Russian dossier her campaign paid for of course.

This bill will never see the light of day. It’s so blatantly unconstitutional, it will be laughed out of committee. If, by some miracle, it actually went into law and was upheld by the Supreme Court, the moment the CommuNazis tried to use it would see the 4th box of liberty opened. Of course, after ending the right of free speech, the CommuNazis will go after the right to keep and bear arms. Good luck with that!


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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