United Nations going broke

Good day all. Last week, the United Nations announced that it was running out of other people’s money and unless they received a cash infusion, they wouldn’t be able to continue with their junkets and international meetings in 5 star hotels.

The UN gets most of its funding from the American Taxpayers. There is no need to ask if we get any value for our money, the answer is a big, fat NO! President Trump has let it be known that he is not interested in handing any more money over to this crowd of kleptomaniacs. This has started the “Whine-a-thon” from the General-Secretary. Here are the details from Fox News:

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says the U.N. is running out of money and is urging members to pay up amid a looming financial crisis for the international body. In a letter to staff this week, seen by Fox News, Guterres says he has warned member states of a “troubling financial situation facing the United Nations,” which he says is caused by late payments to the U.N. by member states.

Our cash flow has never been this low so early in the calendar year, and the broader trend is also concerning; we are running out of cash sooner and staying in the red longer,” he says.

Guterres went on to say that the organization will be taking measures to look at reducing costs, in a way that won’t affect their mission. He said he also will be proposing to states various steps to strengthen financial stability at the U.N.

Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what the “Steps” to “Strengthen the financial stability of the UN” will be? There is no need. The UN likes to think of itself as the “World government” and it wants to tax pretty much everyone. They would also like their own independent “Peacekeeper” force that they can recruit and equip. Of course, that would mean that the United Nations would have the means to enforce their will on other countries. Considering who is running the UN these days, that would mean an end to the western democracies.

Trump administration threats to cut funding do not appear to be directly linked to the cash crunch.

While the administration has been eyeing carefully its payments to various U.N. funds and agencies, the U.S. has not yet reduced or delayed its payments to the budget, though due to the fall start of the U.S. fiscal year, payments usually come later in the year.

Most Americans would just as soon cut the UN off at the knees and kick them out of the United States, not to mention get out of it ourselves. Withdrawing from the UN isn’t as simple as we would like, thanks to the games played by the Democrats at the end of WW 2.

Due to the actions of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman, we are bound to that building full of thieves by treaty. It literally would take an act of congress to both pull out of the United Nations and kick them out of the United States. There is no way the CommuNazis or the globalist GOP(e) wing of the Beltway Uniparty will let that happen.

Guterres’ call for members to cough up the cash, meanwhile, mimics the pressure the Trump administration has been putting on countries at both the U.N. and at NATO to fulfill their commitments.

Perhaps the General Secretary might want to consider that a majority of Americans, and President Trump apparently, think the need for NATO is long past. President Trump’s calls for them to pony up and pay their fair share is a bit of a problem both for the UN and NATO. If either NATO or the UN threatened the United States with expulsion, we would simply pack up our toys and go home.

The mindset of the, primarily, European Elite’s who run the UN and NATO hasn’t changed much from the royalty a lot of these morons are descended from. They think that they have a god given right to rule and that the serfs exist only to serve the elite. They have never understood Americans, and never will. Americans will take a lot, but at some point, we decide enough is enough and then:

If the United Nations collapses, then most Americans will say “Good bye and good riddance!”


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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