New York Slimes Whines “Trump is mean”

Good day all. Since before the 2016 election, President Trump has been hated by the Mostly Stupid Media. They have attacked him constantly, and only ramped things up since Donald Trump was sworn into office. What they never expected is that Donald J. Trump would fight back.

This has led to some pretty bloody virtual battles on Twitter and in news rooms. It has also shown just how out of touch the MSM truly is. Long story short, President Trump is winning. (As if this is a surprise) Now the publisher of the New York Times Slimes is begging President Trump to “Reconsider” his rhetoric. Here are the details from AP News:

The publisher of The New York Times said Sunday he “implored” President Donald Trump at a private White House meeting this month to reconsider his broad attacks on journalists, calling the president’s anti-press rhetoric “not just divisive but increasingly dangerous.”

In a statement, A.G. Sulzberger said he decided to comment publicly after Trump revealed their off-the-record meeting to his more than 53 million Twitter followers on Sunday. Trump’s aides had requested that the July 20 meeting not be made public, Sulzberger said.

Had a very good and interesting meeting at the White House with A.G. Sulzberger, Publisher of the New York Times. Spent much time talking about the vast amounts of Fake News being put out by the media & how that Fake News has morphed into phrase, “Enemy of the People.” Sad!” Trump wrote.

Hours after that exchange, Trump resumed his broadside against the media in a series of tweets that included a pledge not to let the country “be sold out by anti-Trump haters in the … dying newspaper industry.”

Sulzberger, who succeeded his father as publisher on Jan. 1, said his main purpose for accepting the meeting was to “raise concerns about the president’s deeply troubling anti-press rhetoric.”

I told the president directly that I thought that his language was not just divisive but increasingly dangerous,” he said.

Sulzberger said he told Trump that while the phrase “fake news” is untrue and harmful, “I am far more concerned about his labeling journalists ‘the enemy of the people.’ I warned that this inflammatory language is contributing to a rise in threats against journalists and will lead to violence.”

Oh don’t make me laugh. The MSM has been caught repeatedly making things up over the last 2 years. Whenever it’s a Republican President, they will ramp up the propaganda and innuendo machines. May I remind you of the phrase made famous by Dan Rather? “Fake, but accurate.”

The problem today is journalism. You have a bunch of sanctimonious twerps who went to journalism school and think their special. The old school reporters would look at these snowflakes and laugh in their faces. People are tired of being lied to and told how to think by the Mostly Stupid Media. Will it lead to violence? I could see a few journalists getting a punch in the mouth. Do you ant to prevent that Sulzberger? Stop lying.

Sulzberger, who attended the meeting with James Bennet, the Times’ editorial page editor, said he stressed that leaders outside the U.S. are already using Trump’s rhetoric to justify cracking down on journalists.

I warned that it was putting lives at risk, that it was undermining the democratic ideals of our nation, and that it was eroding one of our country’s greatest exports: a commitment to free speech and a free press,” the publisher said.

Oh boo freaking hoo, to borrow Michelle Malkin’s favorite phrase. Those countries don’t need the excuse of President Trump in dealing with journalists. They are quite capable of doing it on their own and they will. It’s their country’s after all and they are not bound by the United States Constitution. In case you haven’t noticed, your 1st Amendment protections end at the borders of the United States.

Hours after his tweet about the Sulzberger meeting, Trump renewed his criticism of the media in a series of posts in which he accused reporters of disclosing “internal deliberations of government” and said that can endanger “the lives of many.” He did not cite examples but wrote “Very unpatriotic!” and said freedom of the press “comes with a responsibility to report the news … accurately,” a sentiment that journalists share.

Trump also claimed that 90 percent of the coverage of his administration is negative, leading to an “all time low” in public confidence in the media. He cited the Times and The Washington Post, two favorite targets, and claimed, “They will never change!”

I seem to recall reading somewhere that the 90% negative coverage was actually a documented fact. Of course, the MSM didn’t bother to report on it one way or the other. Here’s another little thing. The New York Slimes, Washington Compost and the New York Daily News Pravda along with many other newspapers aren’t doing to well. In fact, it looks like the NY Daily Pravda may not be long for this world.

Why is this? Because these newspapers come across as anti-American, and supportive of those who are our enemies. How long did it take before the NY Slimes started singing the praises of Islam after the 9/11 attacks? A year? Two at the most? Except for a small population of bubble people, (Those who only live in a bubble and listen to the echo chamber), most people no longer get their news from the old school gatekeepers. With the advent of the Internet, people were no longer forced to get their news from a limited number of sources.

The world has changed and people aren’t listening to people like Sulzberger any longer. They can’t accept that fact and, like all good Progressives, blame their problems on others. Basically, Sulzberger just cried like a little baby.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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