The Ruth Bader-Ginsberg death watch

Good day all. United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg, or, as she is also known as, The Notorious RGB, recently underwent pretty major surgery for cancer. She is currently recovering, however, she has missed a few cases.

RGB, who is well into her dotage 80’s, has been a reliable big government, statist vote on the Supreme Court. She rarely votes in favor of individual rights and has stated that she doesn’t like the Constitution of the United States, a document she has sworn to uphold.

Due to her advanced age, and, honestly, her declining health, the Progressive Left has been in a panic. They are terrified that a reliable totalitarian will be replaced by President Trump with someone who believes the Constitution actually means what it says. If you think the fight for Gorsuch and Kavanaugh was brutal, the replacement for RGB is going to be nuclear. Now the White House is alerting it’s allies to be prepared for her departure. Here are the details from that notorious right wing organization, Politico:

The White House is reaching out to political allies and conservative activist groups to prepare for an ailing Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s possible death or departure from the Supreme Court — an event that would trigger the second bitter confirmation battle of President Donald Trump’s tenure.

The outreach began after Ginsburg, 85, on Monday missed oral arguments at the court for the first time in her 25 years on the bench. The justice, who was nominated to the court by President Bill Clinton in 1993, announced in late December that she underwent a surgical procedure to remove two cancerous growths from her lungs.

The White House “is taking the temperature on possible short-list candidates, reaching out to key stakeholders, and just making sure that people are informed on the process,” said a source familiar with those conversations, who spoke on background given the delicate nature of the subject. “They’re doing it very quietly, of course, because the idea is not to be opportunistic, but just to be prepared so we aren’t caught flat-footed.”

Uh huh, sure. However, that’s their story and they’re sticking to it. I suspect that someone in the White House knows something and wants to be ready for the inevitable all out nuclear war that will occur when RGB either retires or croaks.

The nine-member court is currently divided 5-4 between its conservative and liberal wings. Ginsburg’s departure would allow Trump to create the Court’s strongest conservative majority in decades, a scenario sure to bring intense opposition from Democrats and liberal activists still furious over the October confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The Kavanaugh confirmation was a disaster for the CommuNazis. The Senate committee has referred several people to the Justice Department for criminal investigation for things like perjury and interfering with a senate investigation. Senator Diane Feinstein herself has been accused of ehtics violations over her attempts to destroy Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh. (Nope, still not tired of saying that)

“It would be a brutal confirmation,” said John Malcolm, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. “The first two were not easy at all, but this would be much harder in this respect: When Neil Gorsuch was the nominee, you were replacing a conservative with a conservative. With Kavanaugh, you were replacing the perennial swing voter, who more times than not sided with the so-called conservative wing, so that slightly solidified the conservative wing.”

The Progressive Left is flat out terrified at the prospect of another strict constructionist on the Supreme Court. For decades, they have relied on the courts to ram their garbage down the throats of the average American since they know they can’t get it through legislation.

But if you are replacing Justice Ginsburg with a Trump appointee, that would be akin to replacing Thurgood Marshall with Clarence Thomas,” Malcolm added. “It would mark a large shift in the direction of the court.”

And I have no problem with that. The courts have been utterly corrupt for decades, ever since Franklin Delano Roosevelt blackmailed them into protecting his New Deal. That piece of socialist crap extended the Great Depression by years and stripped away many individual rights from the people. We’re still paying for that mess almost a century later.

Though Ginsburg and the Court itself have been tight-lipped about her health, her absence from the bench this week has become a cause of concern because of her remarkable past attendance streak, which persisted through two previous cancer treatments and a number of other health scares. At the outset of oral arguments on Monday, Chief Justice John Roberts said she was “unable to be present” but would participate in the cases nonetheless, reading briefs, filings, and a transcript of the sessions.

Why am I getting that “Weekend at Bernies” feeling? Has anyone actually seen the Notorious RGB since she left the hospital? I’m also concerned that she will be ruling on cases she hasn’t actually attended. (I do not know what the law on a justice not actually hearing a case is, but it sounds as if she will be ruling on those she didn’t actually hear)

I suspect that RGB is about to throw in the towel. She might make it to the end of this session, but I suspect she won’t be back for the new session next October. Or she could just drop dead right now. Whatever happens, the Democrats can be counted on to go flat out bug house nuts if she steps down. The only thing worse, would be one or two MORE justices retiring or dying from the left side of the bench and President Trump replaces them in his second term.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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