Saying Better Dead then Red a hate crime?

Good day all. The left in this country has gone all in on becoming the next Totalitarian regime, and have every intention of crushing anyone who disagrees with their designs.

Recently, a flier was found in in an area of Seattle that has sent the Progressive Totalitarian leftest, (But I repeat myself) completely off their nut. Here are the details of this horror from Seattle PI:

Residents in West Seattle, Tacoma and beyond discovered fliers citing a white nationalist hate group in their neighborhoods Sunday, prompting police to investigate who is responsible for the littering.

The article doesn’t list the name of the alleged “Hate Group” and I had to do a little digging. The URL on the flier in the picture went to this group, the Patriot Front. I’ve never heard of them and don’t know anything about them. A quick search came up with a Wikipedia article That is long on Propaganda and very short on facts or evidence. Still, I’ll let you decide what the truth here is. I have been going through their “Manifesto,” and while it does start out well, it does seem to move in the wrong direction. In any case, just what was found that sent all the Progressives into a blind panic?

Seattle police said nearly 50 fliers, slipped inside plastic bags and weighed down with rocks, were left on planting strips near the Alaska Junction area of West Seattle and in other nearby neighborhoods.

They included an anti-communist slogan and URL citing the website for Patriot Front, a white nationalist organization labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Anti-Defamation League and Counter Extremism Project.

Oh well, we can take any thing said by the Southern Poverty Law Foundation as gospel, can’t we? I’m also wondering why a pack with 50 fliers was found in one spot? That sort of defeats the purposes of fliers. They’re meant to be posted in multiple places. As for the “Better dead than Red” slogan? Hello, that has been around since the turn of the last century when we came to understand what an existential threat to freedom Communism really is.

Tacoma police confirmed the same fliers turned up — about 30 to 50 of them — in the 5800 block of McGhee Street Sunday morning. Two neighbors collected them and reported the incident to the Tacoma Police Department, Sgt. Loretta Cool confirmed Monday.

So like good little Communists, they went to the police. Why didn’t they just do what I would have done? Tossed them into the trash and forgotten about them? This is probably due to the fact that I’m not a Special Snowflake looking for my safe space.

The Anti-Defamation League Pacific Northwest tweeted Monday that the fliers were also left in Redmond, Edmonds and Bellevue.

You mean that other packs of fliers were found? Something feels very wrong here. While I have zero use for white supremacists and racists in general, these fliers cost money to make. Dumping a load in one spot is not going to get their message out anywhere near as efficiently as nailing a flier to a tree every few hundred feet or so. This is beginning to sound an awful lot like a false flag operation by the Lunatic Left. (There I go, repeating myself again)

Seattle police have not linked the fliers to any specific people, but ask anyone with information to call the bias crimes unit at 206-684-5550

Excuse me? Bias Crimes Unit? WTF, Over? Since when is it a crime not to like someone or some group? It may be stupid, but unless an actual crime against property or person takes place, you have the right to say stupid things. (As I’ve been accused of many times) I guess this Bias Crimes Unit is the first step towards the Thought police and making “Wrong think” a crime. By the way, do NOT call that police number unless you have actual official business. The only reason I posted it is that it is public information and was already posted online.

In any case, the radical left out in the Left Coast is ramping up their assaults on Freedom of Speech and association. This story shows just how fearful and intolerant the Progressives really are. They are incapable of tolerating ANY opinions that go against their Socialist ideals. Hence the Bias Crimes Unit.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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