Trump won’t cave to Democrats

Good day all. As we move into the third week of the “Shutdownapocalypse” we’re seeing the usual suspects trying to force President Trump to cave in on building the Wall along our Southern Border.

Last week, President Trump had a meeting with Senator UpChuck Schumer and San Fran Nan Pelosi. It didn’t go quite the way Schumer and Pelosi had planned. Here are the details from Fox News:

President Trump walked out of a White House meeting with congressional leaders Wednesday afternoon over the partial government shutdown after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi again rejected supporting new funding for a border wall, according to those in the meeting. Speaking to reporters after the brief session, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said the “president just got up and walked out.”

He asked Speaker Pelosi, ‘will you agree to my wall?’ She said no. And he just got up, and said, ‘Well we’ve got nothing to discuss,'” Schumer said.

Well, I can see why that caught these two fools flatfooted. They are still thinking that they actually have a leg to stand on and that they can win. Here’s the thing. President Trump isn’t another Bush or other member of the GOP(e) wing of the Beltway Uniparty.While he is willing to deal, there are somethings he just isn’t going to bend on, and the CommuNazis refusal to secure the border is one of them.

The president, in a tweet, called the meeting “a total waste of time” and appeared to confirm that he left after Pelosi’s answer.

I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said, NO. I said bye-bye, nothing else works!” Trump tweeted.

Pelosi, D-Calif., said after the meeting that the president was “petulant.” Schumer said Trump slammed his hand on a table in frustration, but Vice President Mike Pence and other Republicans, speaking to reporters afterward, denied that happened.

What? These two made up something that didn’t happen?

Here’s the thing. President Trump is not a member of the Borg Uniparty collective. He refuses to be assimilated, and he means what he says. The last time we had a president who was willing to walk away was Ronald Reagan. He walked away from Gorbachev when the Soviets wanted to stop the Strategic Defense Initiative.

This caught everyone off guard, especially the Russians and their supporters in the State Department. The same thing is happening again. We have a president who intends to keep a promise and we have a hostile power that has grown far to used to having their own way.

Still, the Uniparty is beginning to panic, especially the RINO wing.

Still, a growing number of moderate Republicans – like Susan Collins of Maine and Cory Gardner of Colorado – have appeared uncomfortable with the toll the partial shutdown is taking.

A toll on who? Government workers? I’m not uncomfortable at all. We’re finding out just how many of these drones serve no actual purpose. As for those working in “Critical” positions, such as the TSA? I’ve been calling for the privatization of that fiasco since day one. In fact, outsource airport security to the Israelis. They actually know how to do it. As for the rest? Layoffs. There are plenty of private sector jobs out there and it’s time these bureaucrats learn how real people function in America.

Past meetings with Democrats have resulted in both sides digging in, with Trump insisting on nearly $6 billion for a border wall and Democrats saying they won’t entertain the discussion until Congress passes and Trump signs a package re-opening shuttered federal agencies.

We’ve seen just how the CommuNazis “Negotiate” before. Their basic plan is “Give us what we want now and maybe we will talk about what you want later, if at all.” We saw this happen under Ronald Reagan, George Bush 1 and Bush 2. President Trump understands that most people from both sides of the political aisle, (With the exception of the Barking Moonbats), agree with him that the border needs to be secured.

The president’s prime-time address on Tuesday night saw both camps drifting even further apart, with Trump declaring a “humanitarian and security crisis” and vowing to protect America, “so help me God” – and Democratic congressional leaders saying Trump was working to “manufacture a crisis, stoke fear and divert attention from the turmoil in his administration.”

And the Democrat response, called the Chucky and Nancy show, was a complete flop. My latest meme was taken from that fiasco. In fact, the Chucky and Nancy show is now being called the “Response that launched a thousand memes.” Make that 1001.

Trump told congressional leaders the standoff could last months, even years, as he demanded Washington take action to stem the flow of illegal immigrants, drugs and criminals crossing the border.

And it’s about to get a lot worse. The debt ceiling is being reached and when that happens, it requires the Congress to vote to let it go even higher. If that doesn’t happen, then the Federal Government can only spend money it takes in via taxes and fees. They can’t borrow any. This will mean even more cuts in the federal work force. Hmm, I don’t see a problem here.

UpChuck Schumer and Senile Pelosi are blind to what is happening and will happen. President Trump is showing he has no problem shutting down the Government. Now people are seeing that the world isn’t ending, that society isn’t collapsing and that life in Flyover country is continuing. When the Government finally comes back, an awful lot of people are going to ask a very tough question. What the Hell do we need these people for? UpChuck and SanFran Nan won’t have an answer that makes sense and they know it. They should cave now before they get the boot later.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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