President Trump’s 4th of July speech to America

Good day all. I hope you had a great Independence Day celebration, and that you continue to have all the body parts you started with when you woke up yesterday morning.

One of the biggest “Shindigs” was in Washington D.C. where President Trump had the traditional venue moved to a location that could hold more people. He also had the military come in with some equipment for display and parade purposes.

The Traditional Enemy of Freedom and Liberty, (That would be the Democrats) went nuts over this. One was Laurence “Lost” Tribe who said that it was the same as when the Communist Government of the People’s Republic of China sent tanks in to crush the students in Tiananmen Square back in 1989.

The rest of the loonytunes in the Mostly Stupid Media were enraged that President Trump was going to give a speech. They all stated that it would be nothing but a partisan political rally…Until they heard what President Trump said. He kept the speech unpolitical. They were forced to admit this, including CNN’s Fake News Division.

I wasn’t able to watch the speech, but there is a Youtube video of it. President Trump took for about an hour to massive crowds as well as a few moronic Moonbats. Here is the speech:

I am a partisan and I will say TRUMP2020!!


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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