Immigrants go on welfare, their sponsors pay

Good day all. With all the back and forth regarding the invasion of criminals along our southern border one of the things overlooked is legal immigrants who arrive and go on welfare.

Most legal immigrants are sponsored. This means an American citizen agrees to help the new immigrant adapt, including helping them find a job. One of the check boxes on the paperwork is one where the sponsor promises to make sure the new immigrant doesn’t become a burden to the American Taxpayer.

When I filled out all the forms for the Former Mrs. Webmaster’s immigration visa, I remember that section and what it meant. (I’m happy to say that the Former Mrs. Webmaster and now current Angry Significant Other has never been a burden to the taxpayers) Unfortunately, way to many immigrants arrive and promptly start collecting welfare. Well, those days may be coming to an end. Here are the details from Fox News:

Sponsors of legal immigrants to the United States received word Friday that they’ll be on the hook “for every dollar” if those immigrants end up receiving welfare funds or other public support instead of earning a living and paying taxes.

The message came Ken Cuccinelli, a former Virginia state attorney general who last week became acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) following his appointment by President Trump.

If the sponsored immigrant receives any federal means-tested public benefits, the sponsor will be expected to reimburse the benefits-granting agency for every dollar of benefits received by the immigrant,” Cuccinelli wrote in a USCIS memo.

When I signed the paperwork for the Angry S.O’s visa, I understood that I would be financially responsible for her. I was good with that. When she went to school to improve her English skills, I paid whatever they required willingly. Sadly, to many sponsors forget this, or ignored it in the first place. Well, that is coming to an end.

In addition, the same message instructed agents who work for USCIS to remind applicants and sponsors that “the Affidavit of Support is a legal and enforceable contract between the sponsor and the federal government.”

The President has made it a priority to ensure that every individual who seeks to come to the United States is self-sufficient, temporarily or permanently,” Cuccinelli wrote. “The principle of self-sufficiency has been enshrined in our immigration laws since the 1800s, and we as an agency must ensure that immigrants who become part of this great country abide by this principle.”

And that is the point. America has always been the Land of Opportunity, where you can come here with literally nothing but the clothes on your back, and through hard work, become a success. The ultimate goal of course, was to become a naturalized citizen of the United States.

Cuccinelli took over at USCIS last Monday, coming to the job with a reputation as a hardliner on immigration issues. For example, he has been an advocate for denying citizenship to American-born children of parents living in the U.S. illegally and for limiting in-state tuition at public universities to citizens or legal residents.

Which is the way it should be. We can have a discussion regarding children of illegal aliens who are born here, but as far as I’m concerned, illegals should get one thing and one thing only. A ticket on the next available transport out of the United States and back to the turd world hellhole they came from. More’s the pity that Mr. Cuccinelli has almost no chance of being confirmed to the position, which is why he’s just the “Acting” director.

But Trump likely named Cuccinelli an acting director because his chances of winning Senate confirmation were said to be slim, Roll Call reported. The outspoken Cuccinelli, as president of the Senate Conservatives Fund, a political action committee that has opposed many incumbent Republicans, has been critical of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and others in the GOP.

Mitch McConnell has filled the Senate with people like Lisa Murkowski, John McCain, Shelley Moore Capito, Lamar Alexander and Dean Heller who all promised the voters they would repeal Obamacare, but when the time came to do it they refused,” Cuccinelli wrote in an August 2017 fundraising memo, according to Roll Call. “Instead of admitting his mistake, McConnell is blaming the President for having ‘excessive expectations’ even though he was the one who set those expectations with years of empty promises!”

Ouch! Yep, that isn’t going to help him with the GOP(e) Rino’s of the Beltway Uniparty, which, sadly, is needed to get him confirmed. Still, he will be in place at least until the next election. After that, who knows?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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