Happy 4th of July 2019

Good day all and Happy Independence day! Today is the 243rd anniversary of America telling King George III to go take a long walk off a short pier. This led to our War of Independence, (Generally called the American Revolution) and the founding of the greatest nation ever!

Of course, there are a number of people who thought that was a bad idea. Most of them have since become Democrats.

These killjoys are very unhappy with the current president, the Constitution, Freedom of Speech and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, basically everything that Makes America Great.


These sad, lonely and misguided people would rather talk about the latest addition to the Royal Family. Most Americans really don’t care about the “Royal Babies” and would rather talk about baseball and how the economy is doing better then it has in decades.

Instead, these people would rather scream, rant and rave about people enjoying success. They would rather suppress any views they don’t like. Even humorous images of our current administration will set them off.

It’s sad really. Instead we should be doing our best to honor those brave men and women who, over the centuries, have given everything to protect our right to meme.

Instead of arguing with these people, who want to emulate King George III and take our rights away, tax us into oblivion and re-institute slavery, just get together with friends and family and enjoy the celebratory BBQ and fireworks, and recall how it all started.

Happy Independence Day from Anger Central.

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~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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