Acting DHS Secretary in very hot water

Good day all. About a week ago, President Trump was going to start a general roundup of Criminal Aliens when the news of the actual targets leaked out. This caused President Trump to delay things, allowing San Fran Nan to claim she stopped it.

Senile Nancy’s antics aside, the release of the information was a serious breach in security, and it looks like the Trump Administration found out who it was. Here are the details from Fox News:

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan is being accused of leaking plans last week for scheduled Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids, after expressing fierce opposition and allegedly ordering top officials to “stand down” on the operation.

Excuse me? He directly contradicted a lawful order of the Commander in Chief, and, allegedly, leaked the information? Who does this clown think he is? James Comey or Andrew McCabe?

A source familiar with the matter told Fox News that when the operation was in its planning phase two weeks ago, McAleenan ordered ICE Acting Director Mark Morgan to call off the deportation operation that was expected to target 2,000 families in up to 10 cities across the country. President Trump, however, ordered that Morgan continue as planned — until he abruptly announced Saturday he was delaying the raids to see if Congress could work out a solution to the “Asylum and Loophole problems at the Southern Border.”

Somehow, I doubt that was the only reason President Trump delayed things. I suspect it was to root out a deep state mole in his administration. Looks like he found one.

The source told Fox News that Homeland Security officials had been planning the raids since April—prior to former acting ICE director Ron Vitiello’s departure from the administration amid a DHS staffing shake-up—and that McAleenan had been opposed to the plans from the start.

He is the one that wanted to make sure this operation did not go forward,” the source told Fox News. “He has been fighting this operation since its inception.”

Well then, if you were that opposed, and there were no laws that might have been broken carrying out the orders, you have two choices. Follow the orders or resign. Leaking the information is not even on the radar of an honorable person. Now President Trump has decided it’s time to clean house at the Department of Homeland (in)Security. In another story released to day on Fox News:

The Trump administration named new leaders Thursday to top immigration agencies amid a deepening crisis at the border — and swirling speculation over the future of the Homeland Security secretary who oversees it all after he was accused of leaking a highly sensitive operation.

Oh I think we know what his future is.

Two senior administration officials told Fox News that high-level discussions were underway with top administration and White House officials regarding McAleenan’s future in light of the accusations against him — which the secretary strongly denies. The officials said there is uncertainty as to how much longer the secretary could remain in his post.

Of course he would deny it. At best, he will be fired. At worst? Criminal prosecution.

The report in question, which was published by Washington Post immigration reporter Nick Miroff, said the raids would take place before dawn in major cities.

While I despise the Washington Compost, this would be a big scoop for them. So how did the Administration come to the conclusion that McAleenan was the leak?

A source familiar with the matter told Fox News that McAleenan traveled on a government plane to the border with Miroff less than 24 hours before the story was published.

The source also said that when the raids were in a planning phase, McAleenan was opposed and even ordered Morgan to call off the operation – though Trump told him to proceed. The president, though, put the operation on hold after the leak amid talks with Congress.

Oh good grief! This sounds like something straight out of a Lee Boyland novel.

One senior administration official told Fox News on Thursday that after the alleged leak, “He’s lost the confidence and trust of both the workforce and his superiors, with no viable path to proceed with any confidence and credibility.”

Another senior administration official also told Fox News Thursday that McAleenan has “completely lost his credibility leading the Department.”

I can’t imagine the White House has an interest in keeping him in place much longer when they know he opposes most of their immigration policies,” the official said.

I give him a month at most, which is about how long it will take President Trump to find a replacement for this idiot. Now, in the course of my research, I found that he went to work for the government after 9/11 and has held several different positions, most of them dealing with the Customs and Border Protection department. Basically, while he may have gone into government after 9/11 for patriotic and noble reasons, it looks like he has become a deep state swamp dweller. Now it’s time to start the pool on when President Trump fires his disloyal ass.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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