Alexandria Occasional-Cortex nominated for Nobel Prize in Stupidity

Good day all. Fresh off her madcap adventures faking pictures of herself at a detention center parking lot pretending to be upset, comes the latest in her list of stupid things. She’s been equating the detention centers with Nazi concentration camps.

Her remarks on the subject have been a try pleasure to watch. After the initial hammering she received, her defenders said she was referring to the British concentration camps set up during the Boer War and the internment camps we set up in WW2. (A disgraceful episode initiated by Democrats of course)

Of course, we all know exactly what she meant. Occasional-Cortex was equating the detention centers with Nazi death camps. Being the typical Millennial, she never studied any real history, so she wouldn’t know what the Boer war was or even what a Boer is. Now a survivor of the Nazi camps has come out and blasted her for what she said. Here are the details, including his nomination of Alexandria Occasional-Cortex for the Nobel Prize in Stupidity from the New York Post:

There are few remaining survivors of concentration camps. Ed Mosberg is one of them. And the 93-year-old from Morris Plains, NJ, has no time for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s statements last week, when she called the southern border’s migrant detention centers “concentration camps.”

She should be removed from Congress. She’s spreading anti-Semitism, hatred and stupidity,” Mosberg told The Post. “The people on the border aren’t forced to be there — they go there on their own will. If someone doesn’t know the difference, either they’re playing stupid or they just don’t care.”

In the case of Alexandria Occasional-Cortex, I don’t think she’s “Playing stupid.” She is that stupid.

On June 18, the Bronx/Queens politician posted a video on Instagram in which she said: “The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border, and that is exactly what they are — they are concentration camps.”

That “Photo-Op” has already blown up in her face. She was at a detention center, but she wasn’t inside. The fence she was posing at? It was the fence around the parking lot. There are other pictures of photographers twisting themselves into pretzels to get the shot that bimbo posted.

Mosberg, who lost his entire family during the Holocaust and himself survived both the Plaszów and Mauthausen camps, said: “Her statement is evil. It hurts a lot of people. At the concentration camp, we were not free. We were forced there by the Germans who executed and murdered people — there’s no way you can compare.”

To demonstrate just how stupid Occasional-Cortex is, and how hard she works to remain stupid, consider that she was invited to visit an actual Nazi concentration camp. Her reaction speaks volumes.

On June 21, the Holocaust-education group From the Depths, of which Mosberg is the president, extended an invitation to AOC via Facebook, encouraging her to tour “German Nazi concentration camps” with Mosberg. He said he hoped to take her to the museum and memorial site at Auschwitz, where his mother was murdered.

But when other members of Congress encouraged the freshman representative to take Mosberg up on the offer, AOC publicly declined. She tweeted to Iowa Rep. Steve King: “The last time you went on this trip it was reported that you also met w/ fringe Austrian neo-Nazi groups to talk shop. So I’m going to have to decline your invite. But thank you for revealing to all how transparently the far-right manipulates these moments for political gain.”

Mosberg said he was very disappointed by AOC’s rejection.

She should be taught a lesson,” he said. “If you’re not there, you will never know what happened. She doesn’t want to learn — she’s looking for excuses. I would like to nominate her for the Nobel Prize in stupidity.”

There are quite a few nominees for the prize this year coming from the House of Representatives. There is the perennial nominee, Mad Maxine Waters, and new members Rashid Tliab and Ilhan Omar. In the mean time, Occasional-Cortex’s staffers are trying to fill in the hole she’s dug for herself. Without to much success.

AOC’s rep told The Post, “She made a distinction between a death camp and concentration camp. She’s been pretty outspoken about the issue.”

No, actually she hasn’t, at least not until someone told her about the Boer camps.

Mosberg, who was born in Krakow, Poland, witnessed unspeakable horror during his teenage years.

I saw people being hung, being beaten to death, [attacked] by dogs. I was laying on the ground, [the Nazi guards] were trying to kill me.”

A badly beaten Mosberg had nearly lost the will to live by the time he was liberated by American troops. “I didn’t want to leave,” he recalled. “I didn’t know where to go.” He spent months in an Italian hospital before immigrating to the US with his wife, also a survivor, in 1951.

My late father was in the Army in WW2. He saw one of these camps first hand. He, along with every single available soldier, along with every adult civilian in the area, was sent through on orders of SHAEF. Eisenhower and the other generals knew that one day, there would be morons and idiots like Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and that they need to be drowned…out by people who saw the camps first hand. He told his children about them and we told his grandchildren. When he’s old enough, his great grandson will also be told about them. Apparently, no one ever told that stupid bimbo about them when she was growing up.

From the Depths has taken 20 members of Congress, including New York’s Carolyn Maloney, on its educational tours.

They were very shaken and upset learning about the torture, torment and murder,” he said. “They think every congressman should go to see it. She [AOC] doesn’t want to go. Unless you go into that dark place you can’t understand it.

Even with the tours, we will never fully understand the horrors that Mr. Mosberg and the other survivors went through. My father went through Dachau three days after it was liberated. People were still dying, and the smells are something he and Mr. Mosberg experienced, but we never will. As for the Bimbo of Congress?

Eventually you will see she will lose all the Jewish vote in New York.”

One can only hope. As it is, there is a very good chance that Alexandria Occasional-Cortex will be a “One and done” member of the House of Representatives, and will be back tending bar and stealing from the tip jar in 2021.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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