Communist party praises Democrats

Good day all. You know that the Democrat Party has truly “Jumped the shark” when the Communists praise them on their desire to become just like them, Communists.

As we saw in the two jokes called debates, the candidates were all racing to the left as fast as their feet could take them. Now it’s become official. The Democrat Party is being absorbed by the Communist party. Here are the details from The Washington Times:

The Communist Party of the USA will celebrate its 100th birthday this weekend in Chicago, at a conference replete with questions about what the future holds for the organization when national Democrats already embrace some of its most coveted goals.

That must be a problem for them. Why would anyone join the CPUSA when they have the much better and far more corrupt Democrats planning on doing the same thing?

The talk in the run-up to the conference includes questions on whether Communists should embrace Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal proposal — a resounding “yes” — and whether China finally has succeeded with the socialist experiment.

The People’s Republic of China is not truly communist any longer. More along the National Socialist model with a good helping of fascism thrown in for good measure.

Once in town, party members will vote on resolutions on expanding voting rights, legalizing illegal immigrants and opposing Republicans in the 2020 elections — largely echoing what one might hear at a Democrat-led press conference on Capitol Hill nowadays.

There’s some thinking that ‘communism’ has always been a sort of bogeyman, and yet we want some of the same things,” said Harvey Klehr, a history professor at Emory College who specializes in the American left.

Now why would anyone think that the Communists are the “Bogeyman?” I’m sure it can’t be the history of totalitarian rule, the slaughter of over 120 million people, the tendency to treat individuals as nothing more than replaceable cogs. No, I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding on what true communism is. All those other countries? They weren’t real communists. We shall do it right because we’re so much smarter!

The connections between the Communists and the increasingly active Democratic left wing have been highlighted by Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernard Sanders, who emerged from the democratic socialist movement to become leading critics of capitalism and guiding lights of the broader Democratic Party. That, Mr. Klehr said, is heady stuff for the Communists.

The left is very excited that Sanders has normalized socialism, and in a sense he’s doing what they wanted to do,” he said. “So now I imagine those in the CPUSA think they’re not members of the Democratic Party but they want to take it over.”

Oh please do that. We know that your platform will require sending millions of Americans to reeducation camps, and that you’re perfectly fine killing millions more. Putting those planks into the Democrat Party’s platform is just the thing to guarantee the end of the Democrat party once and for all.

Elsewhere among the CPUSA’s discussions, writer Ben Bath declared “springtime for socialism.”

Springtime for socialism? I think I’ve seen that somewhere…

Oops, sorry, wrong tyrants. Never mind.

He said Mr. Sanders’ 2016 presidential run, when he fell short of claiming the Democratic presidential nomination, was “a kind of culmination of an epochal, generational shift in the United States regarding socialism.”

Granted, the primaries were rigged against Comrade Bernie in 2016 by Felonia von Pantsuit, but had he won the nomination, with his plans to institute a socialist state, he would have lost almost every state, probably all of them. Why the Democrats are even allowing him on the stage with the rest of the morons is a good question. Comrade Bernie only became a Democrat to get their money and resources. I thought the DNC had said they weren’t going to let that happen again.

Sam Webb replaced Gus Hall, the hard-line leader who, with black radical Angela Davis, headed the Communist ticket for president for decades, garnering votes along the way from figures such as former Obama administration CIA Director John O. Brennan and fired FBI Director James B. Comey.

Well, that explains a lot regarding Comey and Brennan and their attempts to overthrow the elected government of the United States.

Mr. Bachtell took the reins the last time the CPUSA held its annual conference in Chicago. When he did so, he stressed that while the party would remain peaceful “for as long as possible,” the goal was a socialist takeover of the U.S. through political means.

But they won’t hesitate to start using car bombs and other terrorist means to get their way. Well now, perhaps these morons might like to try their hand at math. They are outnumbered hundreds to one when it comes to trigger pullers, and most of those trigger pullers are former military with combat experience. All the local crop of Communists, socialists and Antifa thugs are good at is rioting and looting.

Now if the morons running the Democrat National Committee have two functioning brain cells, they will disavow the commies as soon as possible. Since they haven’t, I gather it means that they agree with them. I don’t see things ending well in 2020 when President Trump is reelected.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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