Yet another Obama judge rules against defending America

Good day all. Once again, we have an Obama judge issuing a ruling that has no basis in the law or the constitution and will get people killed. This one has ordered that the border wall construction be stopped.

The judge in question, Haywood S. Gilliam Jr. has decided that he is the one who will decide how this country is run, not the president or the congress. Here are the details from the Washington Times:

A federal judge issued a ruling late Friday blocking more of President Trump’s border emergency wall-building plans, ruling that Congress denied him the money and the situations doesn’t warrant his use of emergency powers to circumvent Capitol Hill.

Judge Haywood S. Gilliam Jr., an Obama appointee to a district court in California, had previously halted several sections of border wall projects. His new ruling Friday extends that blockade to all $2.5 billion in money Mr. Trump had sought to use from a Pentagon drug interdiction account. The judge’s ruling also suggested he may block another $3.6 billion Mr. Trump identified elsewhere in the Pentagon budget — though that issue is not yet ripe for the court.

Congress considered all of Defendants’ proffered needs for border barrier construction, weighed the public interest in such construction against Defendants’ request for taxpayer money, and struck what it considered to be the proper balance — in the public’s interest — by making available only $1.375 billion in funding,” Judge Gilliam wrote.

I will state for the record that I am not any sort of expert on how the spending was set up. I will say that any ruling like this from an Obama judge should be ignored. His statement that the situation along the border “Doesn’t warrant” the use of emergency funds shows that he is ignoring the very real issue along the border. For all intents and purposes, the United States is being invaded. As you would expect, President Trump is appealing this scumbag’s ruling.

A federal appeals court is already hearing an appeal of Judge Gilliam’s original ruling halting the first pot of money, and Judge Gilliam cleared the way for an immediate appeal of this new ruling Friday, too.

Unfortunately, this is going to the 9th Circus, and they are still controlled by Communists and statists.

For now, though, his decision is a major blow to Mr. Trump, who is counting on wall-building as an important accomplishment as he runs for re-election.

We’re building the wall,” he told reporters earlier this week, before the judge’s ruling. “A lot of it is under construction. We’ll have over 400 miles next year, by the end of the year.”

The Swamp dwellers and Uniparty Never Trumpers may think that President Trump’s inability to get the wall built will count against him. It won’t for one very simple reason. He’s been trying to get it done. The problem’s he has with getting it done are completely outside his control. (Which someone should try explaining to Ann “Fair Weather Friend” Coulter) If these losers think President Trump won’t use this against the Democrats and RINO’s of the GOP(e), they need to visit the districts.

I’m also of the opinion that the Judicial Branch has gotten way to big for it’s britches and needs to be slapped down, and hard. It will take a lot of stones and the need to get most of the American people on board, but President Trump can simply say “The courts have issued their ruling. Let them enforce it. We will proceed with the construction.”

The CommuNazis and the GOP(e) Never Trumpers will scream “IMPEACH!” This is where getting the American people on board matters. Simply put, every single member who backs open borders and judges ruling for them is opposed in the next election. 10’s of thousands of people call into congress and let them know that they’re backing President Trump, not them. Long story short, put the fear of the “Dreaded Private Sector”, as in where they will end up, into them.

As for some of these out of control judges? Well, we have an example in the process of being made in Massachusetts. Start criminally charging them. If the courts try to protect their buddies, remove them from the equation. Use military judges with civilian rules and juries. Am I going over the top here? Probably, but it’s long past time that these judges be put back on a leash.



After I wrote this, but just before I published it, I found that another judge ruled in an identical case using the same information that the Trump Administration did have the right to use the funds. Without a doubt, judge Gilliam had the ruling on that case available to him. Further, that case had been brought by the Democrats in the House of Representatives.

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~The Angry Webmaster~

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