Democrats call on Obama to ignore voters

Well well well, now we know how the Democrats will deal with the results of the recent election, they will simply ignore the voters, the congress and that pesky antiquated document, the United States Constitution.

I first saw the story on and followed their links over to The Daily Caller who put up the original story. To quote the Daily Caller,

Former President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff John Podesta, now the head of the Center for American Progress, called on President Obama to push forward with his agenda using federal agencies and executive branch power Tuesday, even though Democrats were dealt a blow in the recent midterm elections. Podesta said the American people want the president to move forward with his agenda.
John Podesta styles himself as a “Progressive Thinker” which basically means he thinks that we should all bow down to the state and worship people like him. As is usually the case with the left-wing moonbat elite, he has completely missed the point of the last election.

How typical of the “Party of the People.” They care about the people about as much as they care about the constitution, freedom and the United States. In other words, they don’t care.

Follow the links and read for yourselves just what the Democrat Elite really believes in. Justice? HAH! Governing according to the laws of the land and the people they represent? Oh please! The free enterprise system? Can I have some of that crack your smoking?

The Democrats have proven that as a party, it’s time for them to go the way of the Whigs. ((The Whig Party)) As far as I’m concerned, they and their butt buddies, the RINO’s ((Republican In Name  Only)) can move to France and live with the useless Eurotrash they so love.


Podesta calls on Obama to circumvent Congress. Former President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff John Podesta, now the head of the Center for American Progress, called on President Obama to push forward with his agenda using federal … — Wed, 17 Nov 2010 05:57:52 -0800
Podesta calls on Obama to circumvent Congress. It is not like Obama has not been doing this all along. But I have little doubt that this is precisely what he will do, only he will step on the gas. The only real hope is that congress … — Wed, 17 Nov 2010 05:46:00 -0800

Podesta calls on Obama to circumvent Congress | Conservative …

Former President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff John Podesta, now the head of the Center for American Progress, called on President Obama to push forward. — Wed, 17 Nov 2010 05:43:49 -0800

Podesta calls on Obama to circumvent Congress! – DIOGENES: IN …

Podesta calls on Obama to circumvent Congress! By Matthew Boyle – The Daily Caller Former President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff John Podesta, now the head of the Center for American Progress, called on President Obama to push forward … — Wed, 17 Nov 2010 04:45:00 -0800

Podesta calls on Obama to circumvent Congress (Daily Caller)

Podesta calls on Obama to circumvent Congress (Daily Caller). On November 17, 2010, In Uncategorized, By admin. Daily Caller – Former President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff John Podesta, now the head of the Center for American Progress … — Wed, 17 Nov 2010 02:55:33 -0800

~The Angry Webmaster~

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