Trump to sue CNN

Good day all. it’s Friday and we have a standard Friday document dump. This one is from the White House and is a biggie. President Trump is unleashing his lawyers on CNN, and is going to sue the network bigtime

Since President Trump became the nominee in 2016, CNN has been hammering on him. When he won the election, they went into systemic shock, and have been attacking him nonstop for three years. Last week, Project Veritas once again went into a liberal hive of scum and villainy and showed just how biased against President Trump the network is. Now President Trump is going to take them to court. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

President Trump’s litigation counsel sent a letter to CNN on Wednesday threatening legal action over the network’s ‘unfair, unfounded, unethical and unlawful” coverage.

Never in the history of this country has a President been the subject of such a sustained barrage of unfair, unfounded, unethical and unlawful attacks by so-called ‘mainstream’ news, as the current situation,” a letter sent by attorney Charles J. Harder and addressed to CNN Worldwide president Jeff Zucker and CNN general counsel David Viglante said.

One of the things that came out of the Project Veritas videos is just how much Zucker hates President Trump. He has a classic case of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and it has reached the point of affecting the day to day business of CNN.

The letter, obtained by Fox News on Friday, asks CNN to contact Harder “to discuss an appropriate resolution of this matter,” which would include “a substantial payment of damages” and other “appropriate measures that are necessary to fully address the magnitude of the situation.”

I don’t think Fox had to work very hard to obtain the letter. They were probably CC’d on it in the first place. As to damages, I think it’s safe to assume CNN and Zucker will tell the lawyers to drop dead.

A CNN spokesperson told Fox News the letter was “nothing more than a desperate PR stunt and doesn’t merit a response.”

What the holding company, WarnerMedia, has to say, is another matter all together. I’ve read stories over the years that they have been looking to unload CNN, but can’t find anyone stupid enough to buy it for the price WarnerMedia wants for it. CNN’s antics are the reason why they are valued at less then dirt.

Harder said that CNN has violated the Lanham Act, which governs trademarks, by billing itself as “journalists,” “truth seekers” and “united by a mission to inform, engage and empower the world” while unfairly covering the president. The letter also claims that CNN has violated the Society for Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics by failing to cover the president in an honest and accurate manner.

I can’t see the Lanham Act being of any use in court. As for the charges of violating journalistic ethics? Since when do journalists have ethics? The letter also referred to the video posted by Project Veritas. Fox News states in the story that they haven’t been able to independently confirm the contents. If Project Veritas runs true to form, they have a few more videos to drop and then will release the full raw footage.

Normally, it’s considered impossible for a politician or public figure to be able to sue a news organization, thanks to the Sullivan Ruling. Basically, you need to prove malice and that the news agency knew what they were publishing was false. Thanks to Project Veritas, and their named (As opposed to unnamed), source, President Trump’s lawyers might just be able to win the case.

Your own employees appear to state that CNN is focused on trying to ‘take down President Trump,’ driven by a “personal vendetta” that Mr. Zucker purportedly has against him, rather than reporting the news in an objective manner,” Harder wrote. “In the Footage, your employees appear to state that CNN attempts to make its reporting appear neutral and unbiased, when in fact its reporting is far from neutral and highly biased against the President.”

Trump’s legal team then listed a series of comments that CNN employees made on the secretly recorded tapes that Harder calls “the tip of the iceberg of the evidence” proving the network isn’t fair to Trump.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Project Veritas has provided the raw footage to the Trump legal team. If there is even more damning remarks from inside CNN, I have a sneaking suspicion that WarnerMedia may step in and start clearing away some of the problems, starting with Jeff Zucker. It’s going to be a very interesting time, and if this does end up in court, this could be the case that causes the Supreme Court to revisit the New York Slimes vs Sullivan decision. Personally, destroying a few corrupt news services would do wonders for new reporting in general.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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