What are the Democrats hiding? What are they afraid of?

Good day all. The Democrats have gone all in on impeachment, and several committees are holding hearings. There are any number of issues with all this, starting with the fact that they have not been given any authorization by the House of Representatives.

It gets worse. The Democrats are holding secret meetings and keeping the Republican party out, and they are not giving the Republicans access to any documents or records of these hearings. Here are the details from Fox News:

Republican members of several House panels involved in the formal impeachment inquiry against President Trump are blasting House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff for withholding records related to their investigation from GOP lawmakers involved in the probe and demanding access.

Ranking member of the Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., along with several other Republican members of the panel penned a letter to Schiff on Friday accusing him and other Democrats of not providing physical copies or uploading digital versions of documents related to the impeachment inquiry to the minority staff.

We see no reason for your withholding of these documents except as a deliberate attempt to hinder the Minority’s participation,” they wrote Friday.

You may recall when the Democrats rammed through Obamacare without a single Republican vote. In many instances, the Republicans attempted to gain access to the process and were flat out blocked by the Democrats. We now know why of course. Obamacare is an out and out disaster. It looks like the Democrats intend to have an impeachment vote and once again exclude the Republicans.

Nunes and fellow Republican members cited several documents, including letters from Democrats on the committee, sent to White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Vice President Mike Pence, Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, and others. The Republicans also cited letters requesting depositions for several key officials.

While I would expect that President Trump would be more then happy to provide the information directly to the Republicans if asked, why should he? The Republican members of these committees should have direct access to them as members of the committee. That they are being blocked speaks volumes regarding Adam Schifthead and the Democrat Party.

Later Friday, House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Doug Collins, R-Ga., raised a similar issue with Schiff, along with House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel and House Oversight Committee acting Chair Carolyn Maloney—who are also jointly spearheading the impeachment inquiry–calling for access to investigative materials.

Please make available all records, documents, transcripts and other materials related to or obtained in the course of the ongoing joint investigation between the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Committee on Oversight and Reform,” Collins wrote, giving a deadline of Oct. 22.

I have no expectation that Schifthead will provide the requested information. In fact, I fully expect that slimy lying scumbag to either ignore the requests or flat out tell the Republicans to pound sand. This is part and parcel for the Democrats. San Fran Nan Pelosi announced that the committees would be holding “Inquiries.” The gutless senile bitch won’t actually schedule a vote in the house to authorize any of this. Rumor has it, such a vote would fail badly, putting an end to the likes of Adam Schifthead and No Nads Nadler.

This whole fiasco began when a “Whistleblower” filed a complaint against Donald Trump after he spoke with the President of the Ukraine. He claimed that Trump was pressuring the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to investigate the Groping Joe and Hunter Biden and how Hunter Biden got a nice no show job.

The problem with the so called whistleblower, it turns out he never actually heard the call and had no first hand information regarding what was said in the call. Since Shifthead knows the Republicans on the committee want to tear this fraud a new asshole question the whistleblower intensively, he’s announced that his testimony isn’t actually required.

But with regard to the whistleblower, Nunes and House Intelligence Committee Republicans also blasted Schiff for determining that the panel did not need to receive testimony from that individual.

Given that you have recently acknowledged that the Committee no longer needs to receive testimony from the whistleblower, your ‘impeachment inquiry’ lacks any relationship with the jurisdiction of this Committee,” they wrote. “As you are aware, the Committee was established to conduct critical oversight of the Intelligence Community, and we are increasingly concerned our normal work is being overlooked in favor of partisan activities best suited for another Committee.”

Both Schifthead and No Nads know that they don’t have a case against President Trump. The whole whistleblower business has blown up in Schifthead’s face, (Big surprise), with the information that, besides knowing nothing about the call, also works for the Biden campaign. To top it off, it’s come out that Schifthead’s office was in direct communication with the Biden stooge and may have actually written his report for him.

Putting him in front of the committee under oath means letting the Republicans question him. Unless he perjures himself, he would be forced to admit that the whole thing was a fraud from the get go. If he lies, well, we have an Attorney General who is honest and competent and won’t hesitate to prosecute the fake whistleblower. I suspect if he was brought up on charges, he would rollover so fast it would make the Democrats empty head spin.

The longer this goes on, the worse it looks, not for President Trump, but for the Democrats and their propaganda corps formally known as the Main Stream Media. They are currently rigging polls to try and cover themselves, but even those are so out of whack that people are already disregarding them. They way things looks, the 2016 election is going to be a massive blowout in favor ff the Republicans. If this hold true, the second term of Donald Trump is going to be Hell on Earth for the likes of Adam Schifthead.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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