Review: The China Star restaurant

Good day all. It’s time to step away from politics and all the other idiocies going on in the world and talk about something more important. FOOD!

Last weekend, I secured entry visas and traveled to the totalitarian police state known as the People’s Democratic Republic of Taxachusetts with the Angry Girlfriend to visit a Chinese restaurant that the Angry Girlfriend likes a great deal. This restaurant is the China Star, Dim Sum, lounge and bar, and is located at 1733 Middlesex Street in Lowell, Massachusetts.

The Angry Girlfriend, (Formally Mrs. Angry Webmaster), had been talking about this restaurant for several months. She had visited it with her friends, and liked it because the menu is more in line with real Chinese food as opposed to what you normally get in Chinese restaurants. We decided to go down Sunday and give it a try.

This restaurant is a bit off the beaten path, so break out Waze or Google Maps. Also, parking is a bit limited, so be prepared for that. We arrived around 11:30am, and the place was packed with both Chinese and Non-Chinese. We had to wait about 15 minutes before a table was available, but it was well worth it.

Once we were seated, the first difference became apparent. While you could order off the menu, (More of the “Traditional” style Americans are used to), they have a rolling buffet. They had 5 or 6 servers pushing carts around with dishes I haven’t seen since the last time I was in China. According to the Angry Girlfriend, the recopies are more from southern China then the northern dishes I’ve had in the past.

Some of it I did recognize since the Angry Girlfriend likes to cook them at home. Some were different and all were very tasty. You would point out what you wanted and they would take a steamer or plate and place it on the table. Then we chowed down!

We didn’t get to sample everything, sadly. There was just to much to try. As it was, we were both so stuffed when we left, we didn’t eat anything until the next morning. (And not to much then) That is one big difference between real Chinese food and the stuff we’re used to having here. You aren’t hungry an hour later.

I look forward to going back again sometime. It’s nice to have real Chinese food again, and it is a lot cheaper than a plane ticket to China. (Yes, I do eat the food the Angry Girlfriend makes, but this was a different variety) I do recommend that you try it, but be advised, if you haven’t had or seen real Chinese cooking, it will surprise you. Picky eaters may not enjoy the cuisine. (Their loss) I hope to see you there sometime.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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