Harvard Crimson under assault for doing it’s job

Good day all. The Harvard Crimson is the student newspaper of Harvard university. The paper was founded in 1873 and has a long history of publishing actual news. They’ve actually had real “Scoops” beating well known papers such as the Boston Herald And the Boston Globe.

Recently, they were covering the moonbats on campus who want to abolish the Immigration and Customs Service, (ICE), and throw open the borders. Being actual student reporters, as opposed to professional propagandists, they called ICE and asked them for their opinions and side of the story. This act set off the Fascists on campus and there has been a backlash against the Harvard Crimson for doing it’s actual job, getting all sides to the story. Here are the details from Fox News:

The Harvard Crimson, the university’s student-run newspaper, is facing a campus backlash after requesting comment from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for an article on a campus protest against the agency.

You just have to love the ever so tolerant left of pretty much every college campus.

Eleven student groups, including the Harvard College Democrats, signed a petition accusing the Harvard Crimson of showing cultural insensitivity for even contacting the government agency.

On Sept. 12, students advocating for the abolition of ICE assembled for a rally organized by student group Act on a Dream in Harvard Yard. After the protest concluded, the paper reached out to an ICE spokesperson to ask for a statement in response to the protest for an upcoming story.

Which is what any real old school reporter, as opposed to today’s “Journalists,” would do. Sadly, Harvard, like most of today’s colleges and universities, no longer respects freedom of speech or differing opinions.

Soon after, Act on a Dream published a petition, which currently has over 650 signatures, demanding The Crimson change its policies so that none of its reporters ever make contact with ICE again and apologize for the “harm [it] inflicted on the undocumented community.” It also demanded the paper declare its commitment to protecting undocumented students. The organization called on other groups to boycott speaking to the paper until it agrees to the demands.

I would love to see that petition and find out who signed it. The first thing I would do is make sure that none of those spoiled brats is ever allowed to hold any position that requires a security clearance or other position of trust. If any of them are going to law school, I would write the state bar associations and indicate that these people, by their own words, do not support the laws of the land or the constitution of the United States, and therefore can not be allowed to join the Bar. But then I am a very vindictive bastard.

However, the Harvard Crimson, unlike me, has a more subtle response to these Fascist totalitarian scumbags. They very politely told them to go pound sand.

The Harvard Crimson stood by its decision to request comment from ICE. The paper said it seeks to follow “a commonly accepted set of journalistic standards.”

Well, there’s the first problem, Journalistic Standards. Today’s standards would be all about dropping their trousers, bending over and asking for some lube before being sodomized by the ever so caring Progressives.

At stake here, we believe, is one of the core tenets that defines America’s free and independent press: the right — and prerogative — of reporters to contact any person or organization relevant to a story to seek that entity’s comment and view of what transpired,” the note continued.

There’s the second mistake from the Harvard Crimson. They believe in the 1st Amendment. The progressives not only don’t believe in it, they want it repealed and censorship imposed.

The paper noted it did not provide the names or immigration status of anyone involved in the protest advocating for the abolition of ICE, it did not give ICE forewarning of the protest and it did not seek to interfere with the protest as it was occurring.

It would be nice if they did, but that’s not their job, so I won’t ding them on that.

Even so, the Harvard College Democrats said they’d cut ties with the paper and accused The Crimson of “calling ICE on students.”

We’re not talking to @thecrimson until they stop calling ICE on students,” the College Democrats tweeted, linking to Act on A Dream’s petition.

Oh boo freaking hoo. How typical of Communists, lying about what actually happened. The Harvard Crimson called ICE for a comment, which is what reporters do. However, the totalitarian scum cares only about their point of view. Any others that differ from their orthodoxy is to be banned and suppressed by any means possible.

Harvard University, like most colleges and universities in America, is basically a lost cause. The people running the university would be well served to bring every single one of those morons who signed that petition and force them to right an extensive report on the 1st Amendment, the reason it exists and what might happen if it were ever repealed. They won’t of course. They’re cowards and won’t push back against these thugs.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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