House votes to formally begin Impeachment hearings

Good day all. Well, it’s time to talk about the elephant in the room. The Democrat Party has formally begun their coup aimed at President Donald John Trump for the high crime of not being Felonia von Pantsuit and winning the 2016 election that he should never have been allowed to run in.

The vote was held on Halloween, appropriately and was passed without a single Republican vote in support. Two Democrats crossed over and refused to vote for the hearings and one Trump hating former Republican and now independent, Justin Amashole voted in favor.

The House CommuNazis inquisitors are being led by Adam Shifthead of the House Intelligence Committee. This is rather odd since it should be the Judicial Committee under Jerry “No Nads” Nadler that does all the hearings and investigative work.

However, No Nads blew it when he called Robert Mueller to testify on his report and explain how, after two years and millions of dollars, they found nothing about President Trump colluding with the Russians. Instead of laying things out, Mueller came across as totally out of touch with what his own investigation had been doing.

The final report that he had allegedly written and submitted? He came across as never having read it, let alone read it. That was final nail in the coffin of that cunning plan to Get Trump. It also showed that No Nads is a knothead and incompetent.

Instead, they are letting the House Intelligence Committee controlled by proven liar Adam Schifthead take the lead. Schifthead promptly shut down any access to the Republicans and flat out stopped any questioning by the Republican members of the committee of the so called “Whistleblowers”, none of whom seem to have been on the call or in the room when the call to the Ukrainian president occurred.

Add to that the plans to keep everything out of the public eye, and to prevent President Trump’s lawyers from having any access to anything involving the “investigation,” and you can see that this is nothing more then another Baldrick level “Cunning” plan to get rid of President Trump.

There are a few problems with the latest plan, trying to impeach President Trump for allegedly strong arming the President of the Ukraine by withholding foreign aid. The first is the transcript of the call made by President Trump, which was released within days of the first accusations, along with the fact that the Ukrainian government was not aware of the aid package in question being withheld.

We also have the issue of the exact charges. There aren’t any. The constitution refers to “High Crimes and Misdomeaners.” The conduct of foreign policy is within the purview of the President, including how and when to send aid packages. Second, in reference to President Trump asking about the Bidens and the Bursima activities, well, there is actual precedent and a formal treaty regarding this. As we’ve seen, former Vice-President and current candidate for President, Joe “Slow Joe” Biden actually admitted to doing what the Democrats accused President Trump of doing. Currently, there is no plans by the Democrats to investigate Joe Biden.

The Speaker of the House, Senile San Fran Nan Pelosi, in her few moments of lucidity, understands that going this route is going to fail and fail badly. There is little question in my mind that the Democrats can and will impeach President Trump. The problem is that he won’t be convicted in the Senate and if they even bother with a trial, will show just how corrupt the House Democrats and the Bidens actually are.

I suspect the plan is to keep these hearings running until shortly before the election. The idea being that they can destroy President Trump’s chances, win the presidency, maintain control of the House and take control of the Senate. They have polls saying that they are on the right track, and that most Americans support impeaching President Trump.

There is a major problem with these polls. They are being done by the same companies that said we should now be in the third year of the von Pantsuit administration. The Democrats, the Never Trumpers, (Such as the idiots writing for Hot Air, I’m looking at you Allahpundit), and the Democrat Propaganda Corps are going full on pushing these polls as “PROOF!!” that the American People hate President Trump and want to go back to the way things were before he took office.

That would be high unemployment, high taxes, massive regulations and America financially collapsing with the American people seen as nothing more then tax slaves. (Those who still have jobs that is) The Democrats, along with the Globalist RINO’s also want to deploy American troops all over the world and involve us in things that flat out do not matter to the United States. They are all about being good Globalists, and that will be one of the charges brought. That President Trump puts America first!

In the end, the house will impeach President Trump. The Senate will not convict, but what will happen is a blowout for the Democrats that makes the 2010 midterm election look like a minor electoral shift. The entire “RUSSIA!! Collusion!! Steele Dossier!!” fiasco has now evolved from an inquiry to a criminal investigation. The “Deep State” parties are applauding the call Impeach President Trump, primarily as a way to keep their own treasonous asses out of prison. Come November 2020, President Trump will be reelected for a second term, and then the coup plotters will be the ones looking at removal from office and imprisonment.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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