Judge cancels Michael Flynn hearing

Good day all. With all the news regarding the coup now underway by the Democrats against President Trump, a bit of news that should really worry those very same Democrats has slipped down the memory hole. This is the case against former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

A bit of background. Flynn was charged with a host of crimes, which he was fighting. In the end, he was bankrupted by the government, and had been told that if he didn’t give up, the prosecutors were going to go after his family next. After all this, he agreed to plead guilty to making false statements.

However, there were a number of questions regarding the case, some of which concerned the judge hearing the case, U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan. Flynn was able to get a new lawyer to work with prior to any sentencing and she has been a pitbull (Unlike the last one).

His new attorney, Sidney Powell, has been uncovering a massive amount of information into this whole case, and has been presenting it to the judge. Much of the information she’s been providing is pointing to flat out misconduct by the Department of Justice and the prosecutors. Now, Judge Sullivan has canceled a hearing because of all the new information. Here are the details from Fox News:

The federal judge presiding over the case of ex-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has canceled a hearing scheduled for next week, citing his lawyers’ latest motion — which made a slew of misconduct allegations against the government while seeking access to supposedly exculpatory evidence. U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan had scheduled a hearing for Nov. 7 with Flynn’s attorney and federal prosecutors in the long-running case, but said Monday it would no longer take place.

In view of the parties’ comprehensive briefing concerning 109 Defendant’s Motion to Compel Production of Brady Material, the Court cancels the motion hearing previously scheduled for November 7, 2019,” Sullivan wrote Monday.

The exculpatory evidence is probably tied into all the news that’s come out regarding the plot to stop President Trump from taking office, and failing that, getting him impeached and removed. The Mueller Inquisition, instead of “Getting Trump!” has managed to open a Pandora’s box of information and evidence indicating a blatant plot to destroy the Trump Administration.

A recent inquiry into the actions by the previous administrations handling of FISA requests along with other questionable activities has now turned into a criminal investigation. It was probably this that finally pushed the Democrats to pull the Impeachment trigger. There is no telling how deep this rot goes and it isn’t beyond the realm of possibility that senior members of Congress could get caught up in this.

The cancellation comes just days after Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell filed a 161-page brief demanding the government produce all evidence related to Flynn, while urging the court to “dismiss the entire prosecution for outrageous government misconduct” and hold the prosecutors in contempt.

It wouldn’t be the first time that Federal agents and prosecutors were caught out in pretty blatant violations of the law, the constitution and abusing the civil rights of people. Just ask the late Ted Stevens about this.

The entire case against Flynn stemmed from the 2017 FBI interview, in which Flynn was asked about his conversations with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn ultimately pleaded guilty to making false statements regarding those conversations during his interview, as part of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Powell alleged in the court filings that FBI officials manipulated Flynn’s FBI 302 — a form used by agents to report or summarize interviews. It is not clear who may have done the alleged editing, though ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok was involved in the original interview.

Those changes added an unequivocal statement that ‘Flynn stated he did not’ — in response to whether Mr. Flynn had asked Kislyak to vote in a certain manner or slow down the UN vote [on sanctions],” Powell wrote. “This is a deceptive manipulation because, as the notes of the agents show, Mr. Flynn was not even sure he had spoken to Russia/Kislyak on the issue. He had talked to dozens of countries.”

Here’s the thing about this whole matter. There are no recordings of the interview with General Flynn. The entire accusation is based on the memories of federal agents who wrote things down after the fact. One of the agents was later fired and may be on the list to be criminally investigated. (Peter Strzok)

Powell also alleged that on Jan. 23, 2017 – the day before the FBI interviewed Flynn at the White House – “the upper echelon of the FBI met to orchestrate” strategies that would have Flynn talk “in such a way as to keep from alerting him from understanding that he was being interviewed in a criminal investigation of which he was the target.”

In short, they planned to deceive him about the entire scenario, and keep him ‘unguarded,’” Powell claimed.

Flynn apparently thought this was just a request for some information and background. He had no idea that he was being deliberately targeted. Since he believed he had done nothing wrong, he had no problem speaking with the agents. The original information was that the agents believed that Flynn was telling the truth as he then knew it. (This is why you NEVER speak to law enforcement without a lawyer and a recording device in your possession)

Prosecutors have strongly rejected claims they’re hiding evidence, saying recently “the government has exceeded its discovery and disclosure obligations in this matter,” including by providing Flynn with thousands of pages of documents.

Of course they would say that. If what Sydney Powell is alleging happened, indeed did happen, those prosecutors could end up in the dock themselves.

Powell’s defense of Flynn has caused an escalating battle with the government, with Flynn’s sentencing still up in the air for his guilty plea. The government said in late August that the case was ready for sentencing, after months of delay. Sullivan has set a Dec. 18 sentencing date, though it’s unclear whether it could be pushed off again.

Flynn’s case isn’t the only one that is “Questionable”. There is also the case against George Papadopoulos. It’s beginning to look like he was flat out entrapped, and that the actual conspiracy was between the highest echelons of the Department of Justice, the Central Intelligence Agency and various intelligence services in other countries, all in order to get rid of President Trump.

I have no idea what is will happen. The Democrats drive to overturn the 2016 election has reached the point of absolute insanity. Considering how the “Deep State” did all it could to protect Felonia von Pantsuit from her well deserved indictment, arrest and probable conviction for all sorts of crimes, and their hatred of everything Donald Trump stands for, it stand to reason that they would railroad innocent people into prison. I don’t know the legal stuff, but it’s possible that Judge Sullivan, provided the evidence is provided by Powell, may vacate the plea and toss the whole case.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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