Is this the 21st Century’s Battle of Columbus moment?

Good day all. There has been news of a group of American men, women and children who were ambushed in Mexico by one of the Cartels and have been brutally murdered. The news is still coming in, so all there will probably be more information.

What we do know is that several families that lived in a small religious community populated by American ex-patriots were ambushed as they were driving along with many of the adults and children slaughtered. We know it was one of the Mexican Drug cartels, although which one has not yet been specified.

The response from President Trump was quick and one of absolute rage, that it was time for the new government of Mexico to join with the United States and declare outright war against the drug cartels. I suspect that President Trump is NOT talking about the usual “War on drugs, War on Crime” etc, where we just throw law enforcement resources at what is flat out terrorist attacks. He may be thinking of using the military and taking the gloves off.

The new Mexican government is not thrilled with this idea, saying that there has been a war on the cartels and it has failed. The reason it failed was simple. The Mexican government is riddled with corrupt officials at all levels who are bought and paid for by the Cartels.

However, this time, it may be different. This could be seen as another Battle of Columbus moment. For those of you who can’t be bothered with history, allow me to educate you a bit. Back in 1916, prior to the United State’s entry into World War One, a Mexican bandit with a huge following was fighting the Mexican government. From what I’ve read, the American response to this was “Who cares?”

In March of 1916, raided across the Mexican/American border and into the town of Columbus, New Mexico. The actual reasons for the read have never been clear, but the results certainly were. At about 4am local time, Villa’s troops attacked the town, raiding homes and businesses. The initial response was from local towns people, but there was also about 300 U.S. Cavalry troops in town. The soldiers were caught by surprise, but quickly rallied and drove Villa’s bandits back into Mexico.

This led to the decision for the United States to go in and get Pancho Villa under what came to be known as the “Punitive Expedition. We never did get our hands on Villa, but we did engage his bandits. It was also the first time we used cars and aircraft. In the end, we pulled our forces back and sent them to Europe when the United States entered into World War One.

However, things are a bit different today. Our forces have far more sources of intelligence, and if they are sent in, they are going to have things the cartels don’t, such as missiles, bombers and armored vehicles. I don’t see us sending in the 1st Marine Division though. I see the initial assaults to be against the Cartel’s money. Hitting their bank accounts and their sources of income. We would also go after any and all property they have, either confiscating it or blowing it the Hell up.

We would also send in our assorted Special Forces teams with air support, in other words, A-10’s and Apache gunships. I would also set the rules of engagement to very simple. Shoot the “Sicarios” on sight, take no prisoners unless you need information, then dispose of those scum. As for the locals who might want to aid the Cartels? First leaflets telling them it would be a bad idea, and when they ignore that, send in the heavy forces, drive the residents out and scorch the earth.

As for the Mexican government? I have a feeling we know who we can trust in there and who is working for the cartels. Those we know are working for them? Shoot them, plain and simple. As for the President of Mexico? He can join us or be ignored. We don’t need to win the “Hearts and Minds” down there, We need to so scare them that there won’t be a “Next time.” And the Cartel leaders and their families? Hunt them down and wipe them out.

Yes, I’m being simplistic. Yes, I doubt what I’m thinking will be done. I know the CommuNazis in Congress would do everything in their power to block President Trump from going after these baby killing scum. Mostly because it’s President Trump. For a very few? I wonder how many have taken “Campaign Donations” from the drug cartels?

We will know more in the days ahead. It’s not impossible that the Mexican Government will finally decide to clean house and go after these vermin themselves. I’m not holding my breath. As for President Trump? He broke ISIS, and he may be working very quietly with the military and intelligence services to identify targets for a nice drone strike. Tom Clancy had the right idea as far as I’m concerned, as did Dale Brown.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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