Nick Sandmann vs the Washington Compost, Round 2

Good day all. Last week, (October 28th), a judge reopened the previously dismissed case against the Washington Compost by the attorney of Nicholas Sandmann. The civil case was a $250 million dollar libel suit.

For a little background, Last year young Mr. Sandmann and his class from the Covington Catholic School went on a field trip to Washington D.C.. While there, Mr. Sandmann picked up a MAGA hat and was wearing it when he was accosted by a pack of drum beating screaming moonbats. Mr. Sandmann and the others, rather than responding just stood there with Nick Sandman firing off the smile that launched a thousand lawsuits.

The reason for the lawsuits against three major news organizations, (to date), was the accusations by them that Sandmann and the others were the instigators of the whole thing and accused them of being racists. They used an edited video clip to “prove” that what they were reporting was true. Sadly for the MSM, the full video quickly came out that showed the opposite of what they were saying was true. It then came out that the MSM had the full video but ignored what actually happened to push their political viewpoint.

There were a number of Moonbat movie stars who promptly jumped on the “Sandmann is racist! Bandwagon, and I believe several of them are also being targeted. One who is not is Jamie Lee Curtis. She also sent out tweets accusing Sandmann and the others of wrong doing, but when she saw the full video, she publicly apologized and admitted to her mistake. Sandmann’s lawyers accepted that apology.

Recently, one of the targets of the lawsuits, the Washington Compost, was able to get a judge to dismiss the case. However, Sandmann’s attorney’s appealed that ruling and the judge has decided to reopen the case and allow it to proceed. Here are the details from the Washington Times:

A federal judge in Kentucky has reopened the $250 million defamation case filed by a Covington Catholic student against The Washington Post after dismissing it in July, allowing the lawsuit to proceed but narrowing its focus.

U.S. District Judge William Bertelsman agreed to permit discovery on three of 33 allegedly libelous statements in The Post’s coverage of the Jan. 18 incident pertaining to teenager Nicholas Sandmann. The Post has insisted that its reporting was fair and accurate.

The Compost hasn’t been fair or accurate in a very long time. They’ve just managed to dodge the lawyers, until recently. They’ve gotten so blatant in their, for lack of a better term, lies, that it was only a matter of time before they libeled the wrong person or people. Guess what? They did and with a bit of luck, it’s going to cost Bezos a bunch-a-ton of money. (Amazon’s Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Compost)

All three flagged statements from the newspaper’s coverage refer to Omaha Nation elder Nathan Phillips being blocked or impeded by Nicholas, a student at Covington Catholic High School, during their viral encounter at the Lincoln Memorial stairs. 

And there is the problem with the coverage. Sandmann and the others were standing around, minding their own business and waiting for their bus when Phillips and the others, seeing the MAGA hat, went after the kids. That was what the full video showed, and this is why the Compost and other news agencies are going to get it in the back of the head.

The Court will adhere to its previous rulings as they pertain to these statements except Statements 10, 11, and 33, to the extent that these three statements state that plaintiff ‘blocked’ Nathan Phillips and ‘would not allow him to retreat,’” Judge Bertelsman said in his Monday order.

Suffice to say that the Court has given this matter careful review and concludes that ‘justice requires’ that discovery be had regarding these statements and their context. The Court will then consider them anew on summary judgment,” he said.

I suspect that the lawyers made the required adjustments in their complaint and the judge has seen the full video and knows the Compost is full of…Compost. With this ruling, the discovery process begins. This is where Sandmann’s lawyers get to dig through the Compost’s email and other documents to determine why they said what they said about Sandmann and the others. Was it a genuine mistake or did they decide to just go after these kids for political reasons?

Attorney Todd V. McMurtry, who represents the Sandmann family with attorney L. Lin Wood, called the judge’s order a “huge victory.”

The Sandmann family and our legal team are grateful that Judge Bertelsman has allowed the case to proceed,” Mr. McMurtry said in an email. “The Court’s ruling preserves the heart of the Nicholas Sandmann’s claims. We can consider this a huge victory and look forward to initiating discovery against the Washington Post.”

It most certainly is, although not for the Washington Compost. Now Sandmann’s lawyers get to start digging through all the Composts dirty laundry, and “Discovery” is just that. If they find anything, notes, email, anything that points to them knowing that the video was edited and continued pushing the story, they’re going to get it right in the teeth, legally speaking.

The Sandmann attorneys have also filed separate $275 million defamation lawsuits against CNN and NBCUniversal for their coverage of the incident. Both media organizations have also denied defaming the Covington teen and filed motions to dismiss.

Now that the first dismissal has been reversed, I think it’s safe to say that CNN and NBC Universal have about a snowballs chance in Hell of getting a dismissal now. Sandmann’s lawyers may need to tweak the suit a bit, as they did in this case, but now there is precedent and judges love precedent.

Now the reason for the lawsuits is very simple. These boys, especially Nicholas Sandmann were going to be disciplined by the school and faced expulsion.

Some of those who accused Nicholas of bullying and “smirking” at Mr. Phillips later apologized. The Diocese of Covington in Covington, Kentucky, issued an apology to the boys after initially saying that they would be subject to discipline, including expulsion.

And then they saw the full unedited video and rapidly came to the conclusion that if they proceeded, they would be screwed, blued and tattooed. I’m sure they also were furious that they were played for fools by the Compost and the other networks now being sued.

I’m hopeful that these suits go forward and that all three organization get hit hard, not with just the damages requested, but also punitive damages. I’m thinking of what happened last summer to Oberlin College, where they just got hammered for something very similar. Not only were they hit with an $11 million dollar judgment, they were also slammed with punitive damages that amounts to triple the original judgment. There is a very good chance that school is going out of business. Seeing CNN fold for similar reasons would be ever so sweet.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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