Communists lose in Seattle elections

Good day all. The nest of moonbats in the Pacific Northwest city of Seattle have just had a bit of a wake up call. All the “Far Left”, (Another word for them would be Communist), candidates appear to have gone down to crushing defeat.

Recently, there have been several members of the Seattle City Council who have decided to go after the major employers in the city. These would be companies like Boeing and Seattle. One moonbat even went so far as to demand that the city “Nationalize” the Boeing production lines and use them to make busses. Well, it looks like the citizens of Seattle have finally awakened from their “Woke” state and have sent some of these morons packing. Here are the details from Fox Business:

Preliminary results are in for the Seattle City Council election, and it appears far-left candidates who were expected to be hostile to business interests have faltered after Amazon dumped more than a million dollars into the race in October. (Note: Anger Central is part of the affiliate program with Amazon, not that you bastards actually buy anything though our links. They just want us to say that we are affiliated with them)

Self-proclaimed socialist Kshama Sawant, an incumbent from the city’s 3rd District, trailed her more moderate challenger Egan Orion by about eight points as of Wednesday morning.

Kshama Sawant, as I recall, is the idiot who thought it would be a great idea to take over Boeing. She is a naturalized citizen, and has about as much respect for the United States and the American way of life as Ilhan Omar. In other words, none at all. As for this Egon Orion, I don’t know anything about him, but anyone with a name like Egon Orion can’t be dealing with a full deck. Still he can’t be any worse then Sawant.

Orion celebrated his lead with supporters Tuesday night and said he was “90% confident” that he’d hold onto it, The Seattle Times reported.

A lead that big would be hard to overturn, but then these are progressives. It will be whoever can turn out the most voter fraud who wins.

Sawant capitalized on her opposition to Amazon in her campaign.

And that went over like a lead balloon no doubt.

“This year, corporate PACs are unleashing a record-breaking corporate onslaught against Council member Kshama Sawant. Wealthy Republicans, notorious real-estate developers, and dozens of top Amazon executives are bankrolling her opponent,” Sawant wrote on her site, referencing her rival Egan Orion. “What’s at stake this year is who runs Seattle — Amazon and big business or working people.”

If Sawant had her way, all those working people wouldn’t be working at all. I’m guessing she hasn’t been paying any attention to what happened in New York after that other noted professor of economics, Alexandria Occasional-Cortex personally drove Amazon out of New York and destroyed thousands of high paying jobs.

However, conservative radio host Jason Rantz pointed out that campaign filings show that Sawant’s team bought a printer, tables and other items from Amazon early in the campaign.

What, she didn’t go to a local manufacturer or supplier and spend two to three times more then she did on Amazon for the same item? Why that hypocrite!

Big names like presidential candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren criticized Amazon for getting involved in the race.

Two more people who’ve never held a real job in their lives yet have managed to get themselves into the 1%. Funny how that works out for Communists, isn’t it?

On Election Day, Sanders accused Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos of thinking he can “buy elections” and said the corporation was trying to stop Sawant and other far-left candidates.

In Comrade Bernieland, anyone who spends money to both tell the other side of a story and protect themselves is evil and must be banned and imprisoned.

Amazon’s contributions were distributed through the Civic Alliance for a Sound Economy, a Seattle-based political action committee that represents businesses in the area. While there are limitations on how much contributors can give to individual candidates, there are no limits on donations to PACs that spend separately from specific campaigns.

“We are contributing to this election because we care deeply about the future of Seattle,” Amazon spokesperson Aaron Toso told FOX Business in October. “We believe it is critical that our hometown has a city council that is focused on pragmatic solutions to our shared challenges in transportation, homelessness, climate change and public safety.”

In other words, if the Communists win and move Seattle to the hard left, Amazon would have no choice but to exit, stage right. Considering some of the stupid ideas the city council has come up with in the last few years, I’m not surprised Amazon dropped a million into the election. I am surprised it wasn’t $10 million.

Amazon’s spending comes after the City Council approved, then repealed, a measure requiring companies with annual revenues of $20 million or more to contribute $275 per employee annually. At the time, the council said the so-called head tax would raise about $50 million per year toward the development of affordable housing, homeless shelters and other outreach efforts.

What it was going to be was a nice slush fund for the communists to put their friends and family into nice no show/no work government jobs. That tax would have forced any number of major employers to relocate outside of Seattle, and take all those nice, high paying jobs with them. The measure was repealed 7-2 with Sawant being one of the two no votes. Well, it looks like she’s being forced to leave office due to ill health. The citizens of Seattle are sick of her.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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