Global Warming? Climate Change? Bring it on!

Good day all. First we had Man Caused Global Warming, and when that fell flat on it’s face, buried under mountains of snow and ice, the Progressives had to come up with a new way to explain the weather. This was “Man Made Climate Change.”

If you’ve paid any attention at all, (And ignored the fake news from the Mostly Stupid Media), you would know that the whole global warming/climate change screed is nothing more then a means to generate truckloads of flaming grant money for frauds who call themselves scientists, and a means for the Progressives to institute a totalitarian state.

Sadly for them, the weather keeps interfering with their plans. In general, the acolytes of the Church of Global Warming and Man made Climate Change, (All hail Algore! Algore be Praised! Algore Akbar!), say that the Earth is going to turn into Venus in about 12 years. Of course they have been saying that for almost 30 years and it hasn’t happened yet.

Now, the Weather God, (He actually has a day job where I work at my Real World Job. He has a degree in meteorology), is about to throw the Global Warming fanatics yet another curve ball. Here are the details from Fox News:

The National Weather Service said an arctic-sourced airmass will be sweeping across the eastern two-thirds of the U.S. during the next few days, bringing heavy rain across the southern Plains on Wednesday before moderate and heavy snow is forecast over interior New England by Thursday.

Oh…Joy. Snow. I so love snow. Shoveling it, clearing it and dragging my snowblower all around the driveway.

“So this is our first storm system but I have to tell you, we have major cold air coming in Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and that will be a setup for measurable snow perhaps next week along the I-95 corridor,” Fox News Senior Meteorologist Janice Dean said on “Fox & Friends.” “You have been warned.”

I was told the Earth was warming and that if we didn’t give all our money and surrender our rights, we would all burn to death and Earth would become the new Venus! This kind of weather is impossible!!

Temperatures are forecast to be more than 20 degrees below normal for large portions of the Midwest, Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.

“Actual low temperatures are expected to dip into the single digits across the northern Plains by Sunday morning,” the WPC said. “The arctic air will also promote the possibility of heavy lake-effect snow over the central Great Lakes by next Tuesday.”

The cold air in place combined with another possible storm system may bring the chance for measurable snow to the Northeast again next week, but this time for the major cities on the Interstate 95 corridor, according to Dean.

Does anyone have the number of Greta Thunberg? I want to have her explaining how we’re all going to die in 12 years if we don’t all return to the stone age now. I would like her to do it on a soap box in my front yard, in a bathing suit, in the sub-zero temperatures as I direct the snow from my snowblower into HER FACE!!

The Farmers’ Almanac, which says it bases its long-range forecast “on a mathematical and astronomical formula developed in 1818,” has said “bitterly cold winter conditions” will be in place from areas east of the Rockies all the way to the Appalachians, with the coldest outbreak of the season arriving during the final week of January and lasting through the beginning of February.

Last year we had a serious cold snap of way below zero cold. Since the the Mother Superior of the Church of Global Warming/Climate Change was appointed, (Greta Thunberg), I knew this year was probably going to be worse. That’s why I recently acquired a new winter coat that is rated to -60 Fahrenheit. I just didn’t expect to need it so soon. I also expect, unlike the moonbats, above average snowfall. What is my methodology for determining this you ask?

I use the Snowblower Maintenance Gauge. In its simplest form, when I take my snowblower in for routine maintenance, and drop a ton of money on it, we have very little snowfall. When I skip a year, (I tend to do the maintenance every 2 years), we get hammered. I took my snowblower in last year and dropped a good $300+ on it. We didn’t get much snow last year and I barely used it. This year? We are frakking going to be buried in Global Warming!


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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