Fake Mexican Robert Francis “Beta Boy” O’Rourke drops out of the race

Good day all. This is a few days late, but better late then never. CommuNazi Presidential candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke has finally figured out that he is never ever going to be president of the United States, and announced late last week that he was dropping out of the race.

Beta Boy’s main claim to fame was his statements that yes, he was coming for American’s guns and that he was going to basically revoke the 1st Amendment rights of religious groups. When confronted by people told him flat out that they wouldn’t surrender their AR-15’s and other firearms, he said “Well that will be the law and you will be breaking it!” The moron couldn’t figure out that he was being told that people were not going to comply and would resist rather violently.

Later on, he announced that hen would end any and all tax breaks for churches that didn’t toe the line when it came to gay marriages and other things along that line. He was also on board with the Green New Deal and massive increases in regulations and taxation. Because of this, his polling numbers were lower then a worms testicles. It finally sunk in and he’s thrown in the towel. Here are the details from Fox News:

Former Texas Democrat congressman Beto O’Rourke announced Friday he is withdrawing from the 2020 presidential race, telling supporters “it is clear to me now that this campaign does not have the means to move forward successfully.”

My service to the country will not be as a candidate or as the nominee,” O’Rourke wrote in a post on Medium. “Acknowledging this now is in the best interests of those in the campaign; it is in the best interests of this party as we seek to unify around a nominee; and it is in the best interests of the country.”

Translation: He’s run out of money and beginning to realize that if he actually won and tried to do what he said he would, it wold probably end very badly…for him. Instead, he’s going to take what’s left of the campaign money and retire into obscurity somewhere in Mexico.

O’Rourke was in Iowa, ahead of a planned appearance at an event in Des Moines, when he announced his exit from the race. On Friday, an emotional O’Rourke addressed a group of supporters after the news broke. “This has been the honor of my lifetime,” he told them. “I love you all and I know that I’ll be seeing you down the road.”

What a wimp. As he moved further and further to the left, he started getting people hammering him on his stances. His basic response was right out of any totalitarian regime’s playbook. “Well that will be the law so you have to obey it.”

An O’Rourke spokesperson confirmed to Fox News that the candidate had ruled out running for the Senate next year, when Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, is up for re-election.

I suspect he did some polling and found out that Texans outside of some of the cities are not communists and have no desire to live under communism, which is what the current Democrat Party is pushing these days.

O’Rourke sought to make gun control a top issue in his campaign, most notably after the Aug. 3 mass shooting in his hometown of El Paso. He went so far as to embrace the confiscation of certain firearms, memorably saying in a September debate, “Hell yes, we are going to take your AR-15.”

And that made Beta Boy the Firearms salesman of the month. It also ended any chances he ever had of holding any further elected office. That and threatening churches because they wouldn’t go against their doctrine and embracing the homosexual lifestyle or abortion. It’s amazing this twerp thought he actually had a chance.

The 47-year-old O’Rourke was urged to run for president by many Democrats who were energized by last year’s narrow Senate in reliably Republican Texas. He raised an astonishing amount of money from small donors across the country, visited every county in the Lone Star State and used social media and livestreaming video to engage directly with voters. He ultimately lost to Cruz by three percentage points.

That was the midterm election when a lot of people couldn’t be bothered to turn out. However, once people understood what a worthless pile of horse manure Beta boy was, they showed up and canceled his victory speech. When he decided he was presidential material, he found that the Democrat Base had move hard left. He decided the only way to win was to move harder left, and he fell off the cliff. Now the fake Mexican is out of the race, and all the Democrats have left is a fake indian and a Gaffemaster who actually did what the Democrats are accusing President Trump of doing. Goodbye and good riddance.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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