Corrupt Democrats move to protect Biden from Sex Assault charges

Good day all. It’s time for another chapter in the story of Joe Biden, pervert. To review, a former staffer of his claimed that he laid hands upon her person in a very inappropriate manner. I wrote about this about a week or so ago, including just what he did.

Now you would expect the Democrats to be aghast at what Biden is accused of and force him to step aside. You would be mistaken. Instead they are working as hard as they can to bury the whole thing. However, it’s beginning to look like the Democratic CommuNazi Ministry of Propaganda is not fully on board with all this. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Mainstream Democrats, former Obama officials and allies in the women’s rights community are making a clear push to move past the controversy over the sexual-assault allegation dogging presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden after he denied former Senate staffer Tara Reade’s claims for the first time on the record. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) also responded Saturday to a New York Times call for a probe into the allegation, telling Fox News it was an “absurd suggestion on its face.”

First off, I despise Joe Biden, so you must take anything I say regarding unquoted evidence as potentially biased. (Oh who are we kidding? Of course I’m biased!) Second, there has been a lot of comparison to what’s happening to Biden with what happened to Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh was accused of assaulting someone back in his college days. The problem was the accuser’s complete lack of credibility and the lack of any kind of corroboration. Sadly for Groping Joe, corroboration is rearing it’s ugly head.

Of course, since Biden is “One of the Protected Class,” in other words a VID. (Very Important Democrat) The DNC can’t afford to jettison Groping Joe and put someone else on the ticket. All that they can do is deny everything, no matter how much proof turns up.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had this week sent a clear signal that she was “satisfied” with Biden’s response on the matter. Biden had not publicly addressed the claims — although his campaign had denied them — until Friday morning. After he denied the claims in a statement and in an MSNBC interview, Pelosi repeated her stance.

I have said… I am proud to have endorsed Vice President Biden,” she said on a press call Friday. “I thought that he dealt with it, a complete denial, support for women.”

As for Groping Joe the pervert? Here is his “denial.”

No, it is not true,” Biden said of the allegation made by Reade of an incident she said took place in 1993. “I’m saying unequivocally it never, never happened and it didn’t. It never happened.”

He also authorized a request for any relevant records in the National Archives while declining to OK a search for records at the University of Delaware, saying that those files would not pertain to personnel issues.

First I don’t see Groping Joe writing down a note saying “Feel up staffer’s crotch,” although he is both stupid and arrogant enough to do just that. Second, you can bet that someone has already gone through those records and sanitized them. However, there is this continuing problem of people coming forward and corroborating Tara Reade’s statements. In another article on Fox News:

At least two additional sources have claimed that former Senate staffer Tara Reade told them about aspects of her sexual harassment and assault claims against former Vice President Joe Biden, according to a new report.

One friend, who said they knew Reade in 1993, said she told them about the alleged assault when it happened, according to The AP. The second friend met Reade more than a decade after the alleged incident and confirmed that Reade had a conversation with them in 2007 or 2008 about allegedly experiencing sexual harassment from Biden while working in his Senate office.

Reade claimed she told three of Biden’s other staff members about harassment, although none of them reportedly said they remembered hearing those allegations from her. However, two other individuals, including a former neighbor of Reade’s, corroborated her sexual-assault allegation in a report released earlier this week.

Now consider the accusations that were brought against Associate Justice Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing. As I recall, several people who were named by the accuser as witnesses stated that they weren’t even at the location in question, which the accuser couldn’t actually recall.

In addition to the two sources reported Saturday by The Associated Press, that makes at least four people who have corroborated Reade’s allegations of either sexual assault or harassment against Biden.

It’s only going to get worse for Groping Joe. As much as some members of the DNC would love to jettison the demented dork, they’ve managed, once again, to paint themselves into a corner. They don’t have anyone else who is viable, other then Comrade Bernie Sanders, and they made sure he was crushed.

The election is in 6 months, and as they say a lot can happen. However, Groping Joe Biden’s past is finally catching up to him. Besides Tara Reade, we have any number of pictures of Biden’s unwanted touching of women and adolescent girls, along with his remarks about his legs. Then, of course, is his activities in front of the female members of his Secret Service detachment.

The Democrats are probably looking at a blowout in November that will make 2010 look like a minor correction, between Groping Joe’s mental incompetence and criminality, and the actions of the Democrats during the Great Panicdemic of 2020. When I first wrote about Biden’s perversions, I put a poll up asking if he should be replaced. Let’s continue with it and see what others think.

Should Biden be replaced as the Democratic Presidential Nominee?

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~The Angry Webmaster~


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