Recall against Commissar Newsom getting serious

Good day all. Last week I wrote about the people in Rural Kalifornistan telling Governor Numbnuts Newsom to perform an aerobatic maneuver of a reproductive nature open a rapidly rotating pastry. That post went viral on Christmas Day, thanks to Sarah Hoyt posting it to Instapundit. (We had over 5000 hits on that posting)

Now the Recall against Newsom is really picking up steam. He has managed to piss off all the wrong people with his imperious, let them eat cake attitude, and now the recall effort is seeing real big money donations. Here are the details from Fox News:

The California governor’s days could be limited thanks to a growing effort to invoke a statewide referendum. A campaign to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom is picking up steam after individual donors offered tens of thousands of dollars each and they scored $500,000 from an Irvine-based consulting firm. Prov 3:9 LLC contributed $500,000, and Sequoia Capital’s Douglas Leone and his wife Patricia Perkins-Leone contributed roughly $100,000.

Recalling a sitting governor is not that easy, and isn’t meant to be. It’s only been successful once before in Kalifornistan’s history.

Since 1911, Californians have attempted to recall their governor 55 times, but were successful only in 2003 against Gov. Gray Davis, who lost his special election to Arnold Schwarzenegger. That effort was propelled into the spotlight after Rep. Darrell Issa donated $2 million. After Prov 3:9 became the first major donor in the effort to recall Newsom, other big donors may step forward.

I remember the Davis removal. He was absolutely floored that the people of Kalifornistan would boot him from office. Of course, the Austrian Asshole wasn’t all that much better, (Flaming RINO that he is), but, unlike Gray Davis, he did serve two full terms. Of course, the reason Davis was bounced was quite simple to understand. He was seen as incompetent and corrupt. Numbnuts Newsom is being targeted for a different reason. He’s seen as tyrannical and abusing his office.

Fed up with the Democratic governor’s shutdown orders, which some found erratic, Rescue California organized to circulate petitions that call for Newsom’s governorship to be recalled and a special election to take place, well before the next governor’s race in November 2022. Newsom, currently in his first term, has not yet said if he plans to run again.

If he is recalled, that will pretty much kill his political career. Otherwise, I fully expect this arrogant dirtbag to run for reelection. Now to successfully petition for a recall, the organizers will need to gather something on the order of 1.5 million signatures. Currently, they have about 800,000, so they are more then halfway there. They will also need to get as many extra as possible since Numbnuts and his cronies will do everything they can to invalidate the signatures. Hmm, I wonder, would they say that all those people were illegal aliens? That would really take the cake, wouldn’t it?

The effort to recall Newsom was launched on June 10. In November, a judge extended the signature deadline to March 17, 2021, after supporters argued their deadline should be extended 120 days due to COVID-19 hindering their efforts.

Also, Numbnuts was using his dictatorial decrees to make sure that signature gatherers were harassed and forced to go back into house arrest. That they were able to gather half the needed signatures even with the tyrant’s attempts to suppress them speaks volumes about the level of hatred people have for Newsom.

Newsom received high praise for his aggressive approach to the coronavirus last spring, when he issued the nation’s first statewide stay-at-home order. But the public grew weary over subsequent health orders that have shuttered schools and businesses and a massive unemployment benefits fraud scandal.

Dunsmore said things came to a head with the governor’s ill-advised dinner at the French Laundry in Napa Valley, an establishment that features a white truffle and caviar dinner for $1,200 per person.

That was a classic Marie Antoinette moment for Numbnuts Newsom. It showed that as far as he was concerned, the rules he was shoving down the “Commoners” throats did not apply to the “royalty” and “elites” such as himself.

Harmeet Dhillon, co-chair of the Republican National Lawyers Association, similarly argued that the governor’s hypocrisy has fueled a general discontent in California that has allowed the recall effort to gain momentum.

“I think with a full three months plus left to go and with people all over California in both parties being very angry at the governor, particularly with his hypocrisy, particular with the fact that his children get to get educated and everybody else’s largely do not in most urban areas, these are the things that are fueling discontent here in California,” Dhillon said. “The hypocrisy of allowing lobbyists secured exemptions – like film crews get to operate, but restaurants don’t get to operate – these types of inequities are really fueling the energy behind this grassroots movement.”

The lock-downs by the governors have destroyed 10’s of thousands of businesses, and it’s now coming out that it didn’t actually do anything to slow the transmission of the Wuhan Flu. Add to that the flat out lies by the MSM and the CDC about how dangerous this thing is, (99.95%+ people who contract the virus recover, if they even show symptoms), and you can see why people are furious.

The Republican governors, mostly, have already started working to undo the damage. One, Kristi Noem of South Dakota flat out refused to lock down her state and ruin their economy. These states are leading the charge of economic recovery. Kalifornistan is leading the retreat into economic despair and failure. I’d say the odds of getting the required signatures within the time limit as about 50/50. If they do get them, I think Numbnuts Newsom will probably be removed from office.

Now regarding my previous post and how it went viral on Christmas Day. I didn’t know that Sarah Hoyt even knew my site existed. She is a science fiction and fantasy author and as I understand it, not a member of the progressive Ruling elite. Sadly, her books are not ones I’m interested in, (Sorry Ms. Hoyt, but I won’t misstate the truth. I’m not a politician after all), but she is quite successful. Who knows? Perhaps this post will go viral as well?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

(I didn’t say anything about making a buck from recommending her books though. Go ahead and buy some)

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