Numbnuts Newsom terrified of recall, tries to buy votes by freeing the slaves

Good day all. Kalifornistan has become known as the worst run state in the union. The current governor, Gavin “Numbnuts” Newsom, has faced recall challenges 5 times in the last 2 years, and is currently watching number 6 gaining steam.

Newsom has demonstrated his contempt for the working people since day one of his administration, however, the lockdown of Kalifornistan, the devastation of it’s economy and the general “Let them eat cake” attitude of Numbnuts may have finally pushed people over the edge. The current recall has garnered some 1.2 million signatures of the 1.5 million they need to get the recall on the ballot.

This has led to Numbnuts trying to save his job by lifting the lock-downs. In his mind he probably thinks that a grateful pubic will decide to keep him in office and worship at his feet. Sadly for Numbnuts, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Here are the details from The Blaze:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) lifted stay-at-home orders across the state Monday, (January 25th), citing improving COVID-19 conditions, but BlazeTV’s Dave Rubin maintains that “without question [the] lockdowns were political theater and nothing more.”

“I think it’s become very obvious that this all was about politics. This all was about destroying Trump and crushing the economy enough so people would be frustrated and blame everything on Trump even though Trump handed the power to the governors — you know, the ‘authoritarian Hitler guy’ who was actually letting the governors do what they thought was best,” Dave said on “The Rubin Report” this week. “And I don’t think Newsom or [Gov. Andrew] Cuomo or any of these guys who have locked down their states and destroyed countless amounts of lives have any bit of guilt or remorse or anything. They’ve done truly, truly terrible things.”

In the case of Governor Flaming Cuomo, his actions could be construed as depraved indifference to human life and mass murder. Numbnuts Newsom has completely trashed the states economy and has been driving people and major businesses from the state. (Others have simply gone bankrupt and folded)

Dave also argued that the California governor’s sudden decision to end stay-at-home orders was in response to the rapidly growing “Recall Gavin” campaign, as the number of required signatures crosses a major threshold to qualify for a statewide ballot. He shared charts from the New York Times that indicate seven-day averages of new coronavirus cases are actually higher now than they were in early December 2020, when Newsom announced a second round of strict stay-at-home orders for the region.

“I do have a special message … Gavin Newsom, you’re getting recalled,” Dave said before encouraging Californians to find the nearest location to sign a “Recall Gavin” petition. “He deserves to go, he really does.”

Numbnuts Newsom, or as some call him Gruesome Newsom is the stereotypical limousine liberal. He thinks that the citizens of Kalifornistan are his subjects, not the people he allegedly works for. Well, it looks like Govno Newsom is going to get fired. (Run Govno through google translate keyed on Russian) A nice humiliating defeat is just what he needs.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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