TransRepublicans vote against the Constitution

Good day all. The Senate trial of Private Citizen, Donald J. Trump, formally President of the United States, has begun in the United States Senate. One of the first challenges was the actual constitutionality of the process since President Trump is now Citizen Trump. A vote was held and as expected, the CommuNazis ignored the Constitution, along with 6 TransRepublicans.

The whole impeachment farce has been pushed along by the Democrat Party with the assistance of the Never Trump wing of the GOPe. I call this a farce and it is, so much so that the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, who is constitutionally required to preside over the trial, has refused. Instead we have Patrick “Leaky” Leahy presiding and also voting. So much for due process.

One of the first votes was in regards to the actual constitutionality of the proceedings. The question revolves around Article I, section 3, clause 7 of the United States Constitution. This clause reads:

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

The relevant part is “removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit.” Donald Trump is no longer in office and therefor can not be removed from office. Since he is not in office, he can’t be disqualified from running again. It is this section that presumably caused Chief Justice Roberts to refuse to preside over the case. If the Senate were to convict Donald Trump, he would immediately sue to have this overturned as a bill of attainder. Without question, this would end up in the Supreme Court and Roberts would have to hear the case.

Now I am not at all surprised that the Democrat Party, aka the CommuNazi Party, is ignoring the Constitution. They consider it a dead letter in their goal of instituting a socialist, totalitarian state. However, the Republican party is supposed to support the Constitution, ans most of the members did so. Six TransRepublicans did not. We can expect these six dirtbags to vote in favor of conviction. Here are a few details from Newsmax:

Six Republican senators crossed the aisle to vote with all 50 Democrats Tuesday to declare the second impeachment trial against former President Donald Trump constitutional.

The 56-44 vote clears the way for the trial to begin on Wednesday. It also suggests, however, that Dems face an uphill battle to win over the 17 Republicans they’d need to find Trump guilty of incitement to insurrection over the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Uphill to say the least. If the House of Representatives had done an actual investigation, they would have found that the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, did NOT in fact, incite the riot. It’s already being shown that certain people, a fair number of them hard left Antifa style “activists,” had planned this before the protest even formed, let alone President Trump actually addressing the protesters. There is also video of President Trump’s speech and he flat out told people to peacefully protest what was going on in the house and senate. In other words, there is no “There” there.

So who were the six? Cassidy; Sen. Susan Collins of Maine; Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska; Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah; Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska; Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.

Other then Cassidy, who I don’t know, this list is a who’s who of never Trump Deep State uniparty GOPe TransRepublicans. Not one of them can be trusted to put the country first. As for Cassidy? It looks like he scores very high on the Uniparty index.

Cassidy said after the vote that the House managers’ presentation was a “very good opening” and that they made strong arguments, CNN reported.

“House managers were focused, they were organized,” and “made a compelling argument,” Cassidy said. But, he added, “President Trump’s team were disorganized. They did everything they could but to talk about the question at hand and when they talked about it, they kind of glided over, almost as if they were embarrassed of their arguments.”

“I couldn’t figure out where he was going, spent 45 minutes going somewhere, but I don’t think he helped with us better understanding where he was coming from on the constitutionality of this,” Murkowski told CNN. “And I felt that (fellow Trump attorney David) Schoen did a … better job but I think they sure had a missed opportunity with their first, first attorney there.”

President Trump wasn’t to happy with his legal team it seems and I suspect they had a very intense chat last night. However, the facts are the facts and that is something the CommuNazis are studiously ignoring, to their own detriment. Meanwhile, Newsmax has done a breakdown of the TransRepublicans who have decided to screw over 80 million Americans Starting with Never Trumper First Rank, Ben Sasse.

The Nebraska senator handily won reelection in 2020 and is considered a potential contender for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. He publicly denounced Trump’s claims of widespread electoral fraud and said there was no basis to object to Democrat Joe Biden’s Nov. 3 victory.

Sasse is a presidential contender only in his own mind. He has been stabbing President Trump in the back since Day One. He won reelection by sucking up to President Trump, and Donald Trump worked to get this lying two timing scum sucking slug reelected. He promptly turned on President Trump, and is ignoring all the evidence that the election was tainted. Next we have the first of the RINO sisters, Lisa Murkowsky.

Murkowski of Alaska became the first U.S. senator in 50 years to win an election with a write-in campaign in 2010 after losing in the Republican primary. She called for Trump to resign after his followers rioted at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 to disrupt the formal certification of the election by Congress.

Which we have seen he didn’t do. Murkowsky is not well liked in Alaska from what I understand, and many of her constituents would like to leave her on an ice berg with a polar bear.

Then we have Mittens Romney There is nothing more that needs to be said. He has hated President Trump since he was candidate Trump in 2016 and demolished Jeb! “Please Clap” Bush in the primaries. Next is Pat Toomey.

The Pennsylvania senator announced in October 2020 he would not be seeking re-election. He said in television interviews Trump committed “impeachable offenses” and called on him to resign after the Jan. 6 attack.

Toomey is not going to seek reelection in 2022, and after this, would have been primaried and probably lost if he did try to run. Finally we have the second of the RINO sisters, Maine’s proof that inbreeding is a bad thing, Susan Collins.

The Maine centrist was the only Republican senator re-elected in 2020 in a state also won by Biden. She said Trump had incited the Jan. 6 riot.

Collins is another infected boil on the body politic. She barely won reelection, and only because she’s a typical TransRepbulican. She identifies as a Republican, but she’s actually a Democrat. She has never been trustworthy for the Republican party and won’t hesitate to sell out the GOP if she can get a better deal from the CommuNazis. Basically, like the other TransRepublicans, she is another Deep State Uniparty troll who only cares about herself.

These idiots all have another thing in Common. They hate the people who got President Trump elected in 2016, (They all would have preferred Felonia von Pantsuit), and have no issues with the corruption and destruction being wrought by the Fake President. While Toomey is quitting in 2022, most of the rest will be infesting the Senate for a few more years.

They’re already getting hammered within their states and I doubt that any of them will be reelected in the future. If there were a recall provision in the Constitution, all of them would be on the chopping block right now. They should just switch parties and admit that they prefer being sodomized by UpChuck Schumer.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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