CommuNazis and RINO’s target Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Good day all. The Democratic CommuNazis are moving forward with their plans to punish anyone who supports the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, and who questions the election results. Their first target is Representative Marjorie Taylor Green, (R-GA). They have stripped her of all her committee seats.

Representative Greene is a first term congressman who won her race last November. She is an unabashed supporter of President Trump and has publicly questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election. She’s also posted a few things that are best read while wearing a tinfoil hat. Be that as it may, she won her election, much to the anger of the CommuNazis and their fellow travelers from the GOPe. They used her posts as a reason to kick her off of all her committee assignments. Here are some of the details from The Post Millennial:

The House of Representatives voted to advance the resolution to remove Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) from her House committee assignments. The final 230-199 vote went down Thursday night. Eleven Republicans voting in favour.

And while I haven’t checked as yet, I wouldn’t be surprised if these losers also voted to Impeach President Trump again. Still, most of the Republicans in the house stood by her.

Republican lawmakers criticized the motion advanced by Congressional Democrats to strip Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee assignments.

Thomas Massie


Today’s resolution against my colleague @RepMTG is ludicrous for at least two reasons:

1. It fails to mention any specific infraction she has allegedly committed.

2. It quotes a rule that applies to members, not to citizens.

This is a sham.

The Democrats will regret it.

The Democratic CommuNazis never regret their actions. They only complain when their tactics are used against them and far more successfully. Now the reason Rep. Greene was targeted was due to some old posting on Socialist Media.

The newly elected Congresswoman became the subject of intense criticism over the past week after a number of her old social media posts resurfaced. Such posts include allusions to killing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, promoting an antisemitic conspiracy theory alleging a Rothschild space laser caused wildfires in California, general support for QAnon, and endorsements of various other conspiracy theories.

Oh please, spare me. If you knew some of the things I’ve said you would freak out completely. That she didn’t try to hide them tells me she doesn’t care about them. However, it’s the CommuNazis and their fellow Deep State Uniparty travelers in the GOPe who took exception.

Her comments received condemnation from Democrats and Republicans alike, with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell describing Greene as a “cancer” on the GOP.

Was this before or after McConnell pulled his pants down, bent over a desk and let the CommuNazis sodomize him for a few hours? He has been showing his true colors since the Election was so blatantly stolen, and did everything he could to knife President Trump in the back. I suspect that if her were coming up for reelection in 2022, he might have been a bit more circumspect in his remarks, but, sadly, this two legged turd won’t be up for 6 more, long years.

The remarks that Representative Greene made were done prior to her running for and winning her seat. The rules that were used against her were meant for sitting members of congress. According to Representative Tom Massie:

Massie noted that the resolution does not specify any specific infractions on the part of the Georgia Congresswoman. He also criticized the resolution for pointing to a rule which is meant to apply to members of Congress despite her having been a civilian when she made her comments.

No, the reason that Representative Green was stripped of her assignments is simple. She is a Deplorable who supports President Trump and America. The very fact that certain Democrat members of congress not only are keeping their assignments even though they’re involved in far worse things basically says it all.

You have Comrade Eric Salwell, who is totally compromised by the Communist Chinese. He’s on the House intelligence committee. Frankly, he should be removed from that committee, and either forced to resign or expelled. But this is the “Age of the Fake President” and anything the Red Chinese want, they can have.

Then you have every member of the “Squad.” These are the people, led by Alexandria Occasio-Smollett who are communists and flat out traitors. Ilhan Omar is another one who should be stripped of her assignments and also expelled from Congress, and probably prosecuted.

Some Republicans have responded to calls to strip Greene of her committee assignments by making similar calls in respect to Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who has also made comments widely described as antisemitic both before and during her tenure in Congress.

And the Democratic CommuNazis won’t remove either one of these scum. Why? They will protect their own. The entire party is corrupt and frankly, there is no difference between them and the Fascists, Communists or the Nazis. They are just another totalitarian party that will stop at nothing to assert absolute rule over the Untied States. We are in for a very bad time and it won’t end well for anyone. If we manage to have an honest election in 2022, I expect a massive turnover in the house and senate, both as CommuNazis are booted out and also as the RINO’s are removed during the primaries. Then the new people can take control, strip the Old Guard of their positions and impeach the fake president.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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