Flaming Cuomo on Nursing home deaths: “Who Cares?”

Good day all. Last week a report cam out that New York had undercounted the number of people who died of the China Virus by as much as 50%. This in and of itself is damning towards Govno Andrew “Flaming” Cuomo, but then he doubled down by saying “Who Cares?”

First the report on the undercount of Flaming Cuomo’s murder victims. Cuomo has been running away from his responsibility on the people who’s deaths he caused for months. Now we have an update on the number of dead, and it makes Cuomo look even worse. Here are the details from Fox News:

New York Attorney General Letitia James said that the state Department of Health underreported COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes by as much as 50%, according to a report released Thursday, (January 28th).

Why am I not surprised that Flaming Cuomo hid the actual number of victims of his policy?

The report holds New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s feet to the fire for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic in the early months of 2020, after he directed nursing homes in the Empire State to accept patients who had or were suspected of having COVID-19. The decision created an onslaught of COVID-19 cases that infected thousands of elderly patients and resulted in hundreds of deaths among the state’s most vulnerable population.

Cuomo has been nothing if not consistent in denying any responsibility and throwing the blame of this disaster on others.

Cuomo has defended the nursing home policy as in-line with guidance from the Trump administration at the time.

The governor was silent Thursday following the new AG report and did not respond to Fox News’ immediate request for comment.

Not to worry. Flaming Cuomo responded the next day, and promptly put both feet into his oversized mouth Here is what he said according to the New York Post:

Who cares [if they] died in the hospital, died in a nursing home? They died.”

That’s how Gov. Cuomo callously responded Friday to the damning state attorney general’s report that revealed his administration downplayed the total number of nursing home residents killed by COVID-19.

During his first remarks on the spiraling controversy, Cuomo said, “If you look at New York state, we have a lower percentage of deaths in nursing homes than other states.”

A third of all deaths in this nation are from nursing homes,” he said.

New York state, we’re only about 28 percent — only — but we’re below the national average in number of deaths in nursing homes.”

From what I have read, the only state that killed more people was Kalifornistan. Then Cuomo had to get even stupider then he usually is.

But who cares — 33 [percent], 29 [percent] — died in the hospital, died in a nursing home? They died.”

Needless to say, the reactions from the families of his victims were not slow in coming, nor were they polite.

Cuomo’s stunning remarks sparked a furious backlash, with Timothy Dunn tweeting: “My uncle died in a nursing home from COVID two weeks ago.”

I care @NYGovCuomo,” added Dunn, whose website says he’s from upstate Malta and runs a consulting company.

The Republican members of the legislature let fly at Flaming Cuomo of course, but the Democrats also opened fire on the fool and his mouth.

Even a Democratic legislative source told The Post Cuomo’s remarks were “outrageous.”

For months they said they were compiling info and it would take time and then they release it immediately,” the source said.

Then, his performance today was embarrassing. He has no real answers and can’t simply say he is sorry so many people died. It raises more questions.”

Currently, Govno Numbnuts Newsom is facing a recall in Kalifornistan over his mishandling of pretty much everything, including the Wuhan Flu. I’m not sure what the recall procedure is for New York, or if it’s possible to recall a sitting governor. I do think that a criminal investigation need to be undertaken. I have little doubt that if the Greatest president of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, had not had the election stolen out from under him. Flaming Cuomo would already be looking for a criminal defense lawyer.

However, since the Fake President, Dementia Joe, did succeed in stealing the election, I don’t see Flaming Cuomo being investigated, let alone indicted. Actually, I expect him the be appointed to something in the Biden Maladministration fairly soon. The senile pedophile has been surrounding himself with incompetents, idiots and morons, probably to make himself look brighter then he actually is…or ever has been.

Andrew Cuomo should be brought before a jury of his victims and tried for thousands of counts of involuntary manslaughter. At least I hope he had no intention of killing all those people. If he did, he should be charged with crimes against humanity, and if convicted, hanged just like the other Nazis.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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