Biden now threatening sanctions on Burma

Good day all. February 1st, I wrote a post about Myanmar’s military overthrowing the government in a standard coup. My take on it was “How is this important to America?” the simple answer it, It isn’t important. However, to the Moonbats, Progressives, Globalists and other idiots now running things, it’s horribly important and we have to do something!!

Well, the Fake President’s handlers have now decided that stage one is to be put into effect. They are telling Myanmar, (more commonly known as Burma), that if the military doesn’t restore the previous government, the United States will impose sanctions. Here are the details from The Daily Caller:

President Joe Biden threatened Monday to reimpose sanctions against Burma after military leaders staged a coup in the Southeast Asian country over the weekend.

I looked up when we last had sanctions on Burma. It looks like any sanctions were ended in 2016. That would be under Der Fubar, not the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump.

The military’s seizure of power in Burma, the detention of Aung San Suu Kyi and other civilian officials, and the declaration of a national state of emergency are a direct assault on the country’s transition to democracy and the rule of law,” the president said in a statement. “In a democracy, force should never seek to overrule the will of the people or attempt to erase the outcome of a credible election.”

And what would the maladministration of the Fake President know about credible elections?

The international community should come together in one voice to press the Burmese military to immediately relinquish the power they have seized, release the activists and officials they have detained, lift all telecommunications restrictions, and refrain from violence against civilians,” he continued. “The United States removed sanctions on Burma over the past decade based on progress toward democracy. The reversal of that progress will necessitate an immediate review of our sanction laws and authorities, followed by appropriate action. The United States will stand up for democracy wherever it is under attack.”

Stand up for Democracy? Does that include inside the United States?

Biden additionally noted that the U.S. is “taking note of those who stand with the people of Burma in this difficult hour” and “will work with our partners throughout the region and the world to support the restoration of democracy and the rule of law, as well as to hold accountable those responsible for overturning Burma’s democratic transition.”

Dementia Joe would have a lot more credibility if he, the CommuNazis and the RINOs of the Uniparty weren’t doing everything they could to hide what happened in the Great Election Theft of 2020.

Furthermore, White House press secretary Jen Psaki called the threat a “message” to China and all other countries in the region during Monday’s press briefing.

It’s a message to all countries in the region,” she stated, “And countries who, you know, will be asked to respond or to consider what the appropriate response will be in reaction to the events that have happened over the past couple of days.”

And we know exactly what China’s response will be. “Shut up Joe and do as we tell you. We paid good money for your subservience services and we expect you to do as we tell you.

Psaki added that the Biden administration had discussed potential courses of action with the United States’ allies.

Oh that should be interesting. President Trump was seen as a president who would get things done. Dementia Joe is seen as someone who is being told what to do. He is both stupid and perceived as very weak. What worries me is that this demented idiot might decide to send in troops and try to force out the military. He is just stupid enough to consider it, that is if he knows what day it is and hasn’t confused Burma with Burma Shave.

Here is the response to a question I asked from the Great and All Knowing Retired Diplomat, The Diplomad regarding Burma.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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